The real soul of the story is none other than Cyborg, with a past that is enough to make a grown man cry and a devotion to his role that makes us want to root for him. While Josstice did some vague illusion of that, people will never forget him commenting on his toes at the wrong time as well as a huge removal of scenes that compromise his character. Most important of all, we can't forget how Warner Bros fired him when he started to call out the terrible treatment that the cast and crew received during the reshoots...and they want to claim they're not racist by putting not one but TWO Black Supermen in production?! Oh and it's amusing how they're going all-in with diversity, but much like how Disney has to abide with China, WB puts their POC-led films on HBO Max rather than in theaters. Anyways, enough comments on the Wanker Boomers, let's talk about Cyborg's new figure!
Here we have Cyborg in-hand, and what a nicely-sculpted figure he is! The character design was certainly more alien and somewhat technorganic in appearance compared to the other bulkier designs of the character in other versions. It all makes sense given how much more alien the Motherboxes are by comparison, and the proportions, while fragmented and skeletal than the norm, works so well nonetheless. The design is nice, sleek, athletic, and still feels strong enough to go against any Apokaliptian threat. The sculpting is rather exquisite, and the silver paint mixed with some drybrushing gives him a worn look that makes him look more life-like than a plastic toy. The only bad thing is the red on the chest. It's meant to evoke the glowing light that he has but it looks sloppy and poorly executed in terms of concept. Part of his chest and his waist are made of PVC, and his waist is kind of annoying since it kind of doesn't stay in place, nor does it hide any gaps left when it's lowered.
Head sculpt looks much loser to the actor, Ray Fisher, and while half of his face is somewhat hidden, the likeness to him is done up pretty well. It's not 100% perfect, but it's much closer and looks less like a generic black man. As for his articulation, he's on-par with the other figures in the line, but with some differences overall. His head can move around left and right as well as up and down, his shoulders move front and back, in and out (on both a butterfly joint and a shoulder swivel come hinge), bicep swivels (with the shoulder armor flexing somewhat while attached onto the outer side of the biceps), elbows that bend 90 degrees only, and wrists that can only hinge in and out as well as swivel. There are two torso joints for the diaphragm joint as well as the abs, hips that move front and back, in and out, swivel at the thighs, bend at a single joint for the knees, and the ankles can swivel, hinge, and pivot. His left forearm can be swapped in favor of a cannon that he can use if you want him to have an attack mode. It's nicely sculpted and painted, though only the left arm can be switched to allow that to happen.
As far as variants are concerned, Walmart has a variant with the battle mask deployed. The rest of him is same,but it would be nice if he had something else to make him more incentive than just making you barely buy the same toy twice, like, IDK, THE EXTRA ARMS?! Anyways, for a comparison with his Mattel counterpart, it's night and day. Cyborg looks more toyetic in the Mattel line and has a bit of comic bulk to him. McFarlance Cyborg, on the other hand, is much more accurate to the movie and has nothing missing from his proportions, even if he might not be as solid as the Mattel one in terms of durability. Also, the face is much better than the Mattel one, who looks more generic and not proportionate.
And here he is for an articulation comparison. I like the more natural poses that Cyborg can have with the McFarlane version compared to the Mattel one, who struggles and is more rigid by comparison. That being said, I wish his right arm can also be used for cannon-switching.
And here we have Cyborg with the rest of the league. He fits in rather well, and while it's weird that the other League members tower over Batman, they make for a rather dynamic display if you ask me, and we need two more members to complete the team. Believe me, it's building up to make for a great display.
Overall, Cyborg is a pretty solid figure even if his range of motion isn't as good as the others. The single elbow and knee bends could be better, and I wish he had more accessories than just the swappable forearm cannon. Either way, he feels much more fulfilling than the Mattel one, and while not as complete as the higher-end versions, he is a great addition to the line nonetheless. Just look out for any of the paint mistakes.
Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐