Thursday, October 10, 2019

Transformers Studio Series 2018 Figures Ranked

I know it's weird to rank the 2018 figures when 2019's here, but I wanted to get the line ranked to show everyone my thoughts on last year's figures. This was a line that I thought would never return considering how I initially felt Hasbro was all about Generations including G1 and G1 only, but it's nice to see not just the Movie lines continue, but also by bringing back new versions of older characters. Fans no longer have to go out and buy the older Movie figures with this line now a reality. With the 2018 reviews over, let's see how I rank each of the 2018 Studio Series figures from Worst to Best!

15. Dropkick

While not a bad figure, this is by far the worst Studio Series figure in terms of accuracy to the CG model. I understand that he can't be a Triple Changer because of how different the size and mass of each vehicle mode is at a Deluxe price point, but could he at least have some faux parts to capture the look of his robot mode? Not to mention his robot mode could use a bit more blue, and his weapons suck. He doesn't even make for a decent Whirl. I hope his car mode design shows up sooner.

14. Ratchet (MV1)

While similar to the DOTM Deluxe, this version of Ratchet is great for those that wanted to have the MV1 deco, though I have to admit, it sucks that his plastic is slightly thinner than the DOTM Deluxe, he has way less paint (or black plastic to break up all the green), and the roof rack hangs so low that it's like a superhero cape. I know you can unscrew it but surely there could have been a way to make it look less awkward. He comes with his buzzsaw, and while it doesn't spin on the 5mm post, at least it's coated in silver paint. I may get his DOTM repaint, though I don't like the moon colored gray on him.

13. Crowbar

This guy is a pretty solid retool of TLK Berserker! Almost everything on him is different from Berserker's and it's not just a mere head swap. One of the notable differences is the inclusion of a new set of dreads that are thinner and longer than Berserker's (since he only had them on his head). The spike accessories are identical to Berserker's, and so is the vehicle mode, though the only differences are the Decepticon insignia being the normal one on Crowbar than the movie one, the slightly darker windows, and the dreads sticking out in the back. The dumbest repaint in this line will be the Crankcase repaint of Crowbar; why Hasbro chose to repaint Crowbar instead of Berserker (who looks more like Crankcase) is beyond me.

12. Bumblebee (VW Beetle)

Setting aside my dislike for the Bumblebee movie, this is a decent version of Bumblebee from the solo movie. The Volkswagon Beetle mode looks nice, though the yellow plastic and yellow paint on transparent plastic is inconsistent under some light. The transformation is fine going into robot mode, but going to vehicle mode, the backpack is hard to unfold with the tabs in the way, the shins don't like tabbing together, and the trunk is annoying to deal with. The robot mode looks good, and I prefer him with his door wings since they complete the look. His arm cannon and arm blade are nice, but his mask accessory is really annoying to deal with if you don't want to chip the paint of the eyes or break his antennae. I also wish his legs had more engineering put into them so they can be cleaner. I have no plans to get his gold repaint or his rusty version from the Target 2-pack.

11. Stinger

Finally, a version that of the character that isn't a red repaint of Bumblebee or reuse of red Legends toys. With a beautifully recreated Pagani Huaiya as the vehicle mode and a unique Transformation (at least unique in my collection), Stinger gets to stand out years after having no good toy of him. His robot mode is also an improvement over AOE Bumblebee's, from the proportions to the way the figure transforms, and while Stinger doesn't have the battle mask gimmick (since he always had it on), it looks worlds better than Bumblebee's (though he may need to use some additional paint. His weapon's a mixed bag. It doesn't look too bad, though I hate how it's always on his arm and isn't accurate. Still, a great figure for the cheap knockoff of Bumblebee. I don't plan on getting the KSI Sentry variant anytime soon.

10. Jazz

Finally, a better Deluxe version of Jazz! The last version of Jazz we got in the movie lines was the HFTD version back in 2010. I like that the vehicle is at a good scale with Bumblebee's, and the transformation isn't too annoying (though you have to plug the back of his waist with a peg on his rooftop backpack for more stability). His robot mode is small and may seem a bit of a drawback at the 20 dollar price tag, but I feel the silver paint on his robot mode makes up for it, though I will point out that I got him for 12 bucks. Jazz's articulation is pretty sweet, and even though he doesn't have any waist articulation, at least he's light enough to keep him balanced in some poses. And his weapon is not just some weird sword or a motorcycle that turns into his Crescent Cannon since it remains as his weapon only.

9. Brawl

The old Deluxe was far too small and had sucky shoulder connections. The Leader was in a better scale but it is far too bulky. This guy is in the Voyager scale but it works well enough for him. His tank mode may not have the turret rotate like on the other toys, and there is a gap where the hands would be found, but the transformation of the figure has some new engineering elements added into the mix. My favorite part of his transformation is that he's still able to be a sleeker robot than his other counterparts, with the only problems I have being his hands being sculpted in where the back of the tank turret transforms and his barrel sticking down instead of being able to hinge itself to his hip or his back. Other than that, a solid version of Movie Brawl.

8. Bumblebee (Wave 1 Classic Camaro)

Fans that love the TLK version of Bumblebee will love this version of the Autobot scout. He's back to his 1977 Chevy Camaro design, and it's a pretty good looking version of him! The car mode is pristine but it does the job perfectly fine. The transformation of the robot mode is borrowed from the TLK version, with the only differences being that the rear windshield splits in half and goes on the legs, whereas the TLK version has it fold along with the rest of the backpack. Another change includes the arm cannon; not only is it on the right arm like it should be, but the way it pegs into the arm is much better, meaning that the mushroom joint won't be damaged. Some people pointed out that their copied had QC issues, but my copy is pretty solid all around. I do wish his backpack was pinned in there, but another problem I have is that for some reason, some parts of him, like his arms and his shins are gray plastic with yellow paint. Other than that, a good toy! I won't get his SDCC repaint or the one that comes with customizable parts. I "might" get his Clunker version, but ONLY if there is a version of Bumblebee that's a retool of his TLK version done in either one of his three trilogy designs.

7. Starscream (MV1)

This makes the DOTM Deluxe feel like a knockoff by comparison. Some may think that it's an upscaled version of the 2011 figure, but it actually borrows the transformation while not only being sharper in details but also having different plastic colors, modified joints, and new additions for the figure, like pieces that fill his chest, slots for his missile rack, and ports that accommodate a flight stand. This guy's plastic is so good, that it feels like it was originally released in the DOTM line because he feels good in-hand. I wish he came with his back thrusters, but other than that, he is a welcome addition that also has his MV1 deco. I do plan on getting his ROTF variant, though I don't like how he has one part cast in black (the part that covers his face) while his nosecone is black. He'll be neat to own as long as it's easy to find in stock.

6. Lockdown

I can't believe I was too hyped for that stupid AOE Deluxe, because this is the best Movie Lockdown figure that's not Peru Kill. I know that some will praise the ROTF Lockdown mold that looks like the Animated version, but it'd be hard to put him in a Studio Series display where he towers over everyone else at an unnecessary rate. Still, I love the midnight black paint for the vehicle mode, the transformation is decent, and his robot mode has a good height for him. His weapons may not be his face gun, but he has a cool hook and a nicely done sword gun that can be used in either form. I wish his forearms don't look too baggy, but other than that, he's the best official AOE Lockdown figure. I don't care for his Shadow Raider repaint. Unless I got spare part copies of him and Lockdown, where I'd make a Lockdown with the mask and the gun, then I'm passing on SR.

5. Optimus Prime (ROTF)

I was worried about how this figure will turn out when the Studio Series line was first announced, especially after the MV1 Voyager was too clunky, the HFTD Voyager was nice looking but too annoying to transform, and his DOTM Voyager is too funny looking with the giant lower legs and arms but small torso, shoulders, and thighs. The first few images didn't look good, but then the in-hand images became more common, and I grew to like the figure. His truck mode is decent, the robot mode is well proportioned, the transformation is solid, and the articulation is perfection. I wish he was bigger in truck mode, had brighter colors, and a better-looking chest, but his Energon blades more than makeup for those problems. I am certainly getting his 2019 retool, which not only comes with even more accuracy put into it, being slightly taller, having brighter colors, and coming with his Ion Blaster, but he is also able to combine with Jetfire. If that's not enough, he can still use the Energon blades with no problem, making the 2018 release obsolete. On a side note, for vehicle mode scale, I will buy the slightly oversized Studio Series version for a better truck mode display (also comes with longer smokestacks).

4. Megatron (ROTF)

This is easily better than either ROTF figure released in 2009, beating his Fast Action Battler version, his Voyager mold, and the Leader version. His tank mode isn't too wide, though the wings are missing for the optional flight mode. His transformation is neither basic like the Leader, nor does it leave him with the top of the tank on his back like a turtle shell, so he ends up having a really accurate robot mode. The proportions are spot-on, his articulation is good, and he all around looks menacing with the sharper head sculpt, creepy claw hands, and the Deathlock Pincer. I wish he had a normal right forearm for an alternate display option, silver paint like on the prototype, no crude gap on the side of his backpack, and leg panels that don't pop off, but other than that, he is the best ROTF Megatron by far. I may get his battle-damaged variant, though I wish that version came with an alternate pristine head sculpt so you can replace the original version.

3. Ironhide

No Movie Ironhide figure is great until now. The Studio Series version puts the other ones to shame for its accuracy added in robot mode, a transformation that's really satisfying, and cannons that don't look inaccurate or stupid. His 2007 Voyager was unstable, his HFTD Deluxe was accurate but too small, his DOTM Voyager was way too lean for Ironhide, and don't get me started on his DOTM Leader (the MPM version beats that one!). Sure, his truck mode may be a bit too big next to Optimus (again, the reason why I want to get the slightly bigger knockoff) and his waist has the bumper looking weird, but the pros certainly outweigh the cons, just like how Ironhide always outweighs the Decepticons.

2. Grimlock

This is easily better than the 2014 Leader figure. Better dino mode, better transformation, better robot mode, better details, and it pretty much makes the AOE version look like it was a Deluxe figure with the engineering of a 2012 FOC Deluxe. I hope Hasbro can make a Leader Class Scorn and Voyagers of Slug and Strafe. my real problem with the figure is that I wish he had more accessories to make him look more impressive, though the FWI kit will fix those problems. Other than that, this is the best Movie Grimlock figure to date, and can only be trumped by a Masterpiece version if we get one.

1. Blackout

The cherry on top of the Studio Series Sunday, Blackout may as well be THE Transformer of 2018. Prior to the release of this figure, all he had was a crappy Voyager in 2007, which was far too small, looked too blocky, and had a crappy Automorph gimmick. This guy has a pretty good transformation (that goes back to the engineering that Leader Class figures had from 2007-2011) while sacrificing his robot mode height to make his helicopter mode look massive. Sure, there are things that could be improved, but overall, this Blackout is a dream come true for Transformers fans that want a big version of the first robot we see become a robot right before our eyes. And on top of that, he comes with a mini-Scorponok with decent details added in the mix!

So that concludes my Studio Series list. They're great toys in general, and it's great to see Movie toys become great again! I look forward to seeing more that this line has to offer, too. Now that the 2018 molds are covered, let's see what the repaints are all about before we talk about other Transformers! Don't worry, though, because the Studio Series line will return!

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