Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marvel Legends Gamerverse Spider-Man review

Spider-Man has been in plenty of games since the Atari 2600. Famous examples include the PS1 game and its sequel, Enter Electro, the 2004 Spider-Man 2 game, Web of Shadows, and the latest PS4 game. This isn't even the entire library of Spider-Man games AND his appearances elsewhere combined. The PS4 game was loved by fans who were hoping to see a new game for the webhead after 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game not quite living up to expectations. While the game is critically acclaimed by fans, the only problem with Spider-Man PS4 is that it's not on any other console. So for those that buy Xbox One or Switch games only, they're missing out on this game. The success of the game meant it was inevitable to have figures of Spider-Man in the Advanced suit. Does the Marvel Legends version live up to the hype of the game?

Here we have Spider-Man in-hand. Paint wise, it captures the look of the suit, alright. However, it is a repaint of the Spider-UK mold, which means that it has no remolding whatsoever. It sucks that the movie incarnations of Spider-Man have received new toolings while this does not. At least the paint is nicely applied for the most part, though some spots could be better, like the red on the left hip or the spider leg near the chest.

The mask does resemble what the game's mask looks like, but it's not exactly the same as the in-game mask. The lenses should have small camera shutter-esque layers that add to the eyes of this figure.

As for the articulation, it's the norm for Spider-Man figures in Marvel Legends, especially when compared to Pizza Spidey. The head is on two joints: a ball joint for looking side to side (and for swapping heads), and a neck hinge for looking up and down. The shoulders are on butterfly joints, and they can move front and back and in and out. There is a bicep swivel, a double-jointed elbow, and both hands can swivel on their peg as well as hinge in and out. The torso can ab crunch back and forth, and the waist can swivel. The hips can move front and back, and they move in and out better than the Pizza Spidey mold. There are thigh swivels, double-jointed knees, boot swivels unlike Pizza Spidey, and the feet hinge front and back as well as pivot side to side.

Aside from his web-shootong hands, he has two web accessories that are decently sculpted yet are kept in a single shape. They have handles on one end and tiny hooks in the other.

I felt that they were more made for the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man figure from the movie its based on. I say that because they're not easy to display them with this toy.

Here is Gamerverse Spider-Man next to the 2017/2018 Retro Tribute Spider-Man. You can definitely see the differences in the body types and muscle build for both characters. I feel that Pizza Spidey certainly works for a leaner version or the character and PS4 Spidey being an older Peter Parker all around. There is even a height difference between the two, as minor as it may be.

You can swap the heads if you want, but it's hard for me to do. The Retro tribute head fits on alright, but the Spider-UK head doesn't fit on that well, and I don't want to further risk it.

This figure is pretty serviceable, though it's not perfect. It looks like PS4 Spidey thanks to the paint, but I'm afraid Hasbro made it look more like a custom painted toy than a newly sculptee figure. If you want that, you may get the Marvel Select or S.H.Figuarts version of the Advanced Suit Spider-Man.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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