Thursday, November 26, 2020

Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Shockwave review

Much like Megatron, Shockwave makes his return in Cyberverse after being absent entirely in RID15 and not being allowed in Rescue Bots. This incarnation is pretty much a cooler version of the G1 guy, who felt pretty stale unless he was in the Marvel Comics or subsequent versions (yes, that even includes IDW). I loved Shockwave's appearance in Cyberverse thanks to his killer design, character traits in the show, and his voice sounding pretty intimidating, even if it leaned closer to his Prime appearance. I also love how his altmode is a spider-tank, which works after so many versions of him made him a tank-like in Prime, Dark of the Moon, Animated, and Energon (even if he was named Shockblast). I already reviewed the Ultra Class one, so now we take a look at the Deluxe!

Here we have Shockwave in his spider-tank mode. If you recall, I reviewed the Ultra Class figure many months ago, which did the same level of "Shockwave goes on all fours" method of conversion. Generally speaking, both achieve the same level of transformation. One really isn't any better or worse than the other, though this guy has the smaller arm cannon and hose. There are also frontal points that were not present on that toy. Either way, it's a pretty interesting method of giving him an alternate mode that isn't a tank or a jet; Shockwave's alt modes tend to be criticized in the past for looking too much like afterthoughts, so it's funny how Hasbro and Boulder Media thought "screw it, let's put him on all fours and lift his chest up!"; the spider tank's a silly yet refreshing choice of alt-mode, even if it may seem a little out of place for Shockwave at first glance.

The gun and effect piece can attach to the vehicle mode if you want, and while the effect piece is a nice addition, the gun's a little unfamiliar in terms of placement and design. At first, I don't remember Shockwave having a gun, but then I realized that his disembodied arm used it one time.

The transformation is simple, what with the limbs basically straightening out while the back, chest, and hands feel slightly involved by comparison. The transformation is something the Ultra toy already had, though the figure itself is a little different in terms of the front of the legs' feet and the integration of the cannon. As for the robot mode, it's similar to the Ultra toy yet has more of the dynamic flare by comparison. The proportions feel fitting for the series, and he's still just as clean as ever. He's quite the stylized take on the Evergreen design, which is just a modern G1 Shockwave.

Head sculpt is similar to the G1 version, but with an extra eye on the top and longer horns. He lacks the eyelid that helps him look angry, though. The articulation is the same as always with the Cyberverse and WFC Deluxes, though one hand is able to swivel while the other cannot. That might be due to how his weapon works on his left hand.

Speaking of, the first of his accessories can cover his left hand and be the iconic laser barrel. He can hold the gun in his right hand, which is nicely painted. Both can use the effect piece, which can split in two so you can display him making an Optic Blast like Cyclops did. Which is more befitting since he is an actual Cyclop but then nobody would get to give a distinct name for the X-Man himself.

Shockwave has the left leg of Maccadam, which is neat to have a piece of him aside from the fact that the BAF is going to be hopping on a leg and won't even have a shoulder for his left forearm. Still, we'll complete him soon. Shockwave himself is a pretty nice figure, though he is essentially not too different from the Warrior version if you got him. I would get the Warrior version solely to have Shockwave come with an army of drones like in the show. Maybe one day, I'll do that, though while the Ultra figure is a decent toy and plenty of bang for your buck, this guy would be even better.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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