Friday, December 31, 2021

Transformers Power of the Primes Hun-Gurrr review

Not many know much about the Terrorcons apart from them having new toys and some of the tie-in media they appear in. Hell, Hun-Gurrr and his gang's newest incarnations were the toy-only Beast Hunters Cyberverse figures from TF: Prime. I guess it's quite common to expect the lesser-known guys to have toys as uncommonly as the likes of any Aerialbot, Stunticon, and especially the Combaticons. So when you get to the point where you've got Combiner gaps to fill in after Combiner Wars did the gang we saw in Season 2 and the Technobots in addition to the characters who were never combiners, the Japanese-originating Liokaiser, and the newly made Victorion. With how a good majority of themes were vehicles, I suppose it made sense to wait for the Terrorcons to be made along with the equally bestial Dinobots, so let's see what this torsobot has to offer.

Here is Hun-Gurrr in his beast mode. It's a two-headed dragon with stubby forelegs and huge hindlegs because of where those parts will go in the robot mode. Anyways, it's okay for what it is. The Terrorcons feel more like a case where they try to have as much integrated for the robot and combined mode yet have to try and make them stand out by providing beast modes. So what we have here is a case where it's pretty much a robot with extra front legs standing in to convince the altmode. Oh, and while the color scheme itself is okay for what it is, the toy has stickers much like Elita-1 does. While they are better handled here, the quality is still the same as the rest of the line anyhow.

His articulation is pretty basic, as it doesn't really let you pose him as much as you would with, say, Kingdom Cheetor. Most of it comes from the heads, which eventually become the legs. I guess the forelegs have articulation but the hind legs don't help much. Su as is the case with G1, this guy is a brick in beast mode.

The transformation is so simple overall. You don't get much satisfaction from it because just about everything is already there but with some minor adjusting. The only big changes you'd get are the robot mode head and the tail folding on the front rather than the back. Okay, the hindlegs are hidden away but they're barely noticeable anyhow! Some say that the robot mode, as well as the engineering, are all inspired by Silverbolt. I don't have an unbroken copy of Combiner Wars Silverbolt but I can see how the two share plenty of similarities. The proportions of the robot mode, where the parts will go, and the knees having combiner ports line up. The only difference is that Silverbolt is a jet and Hun-Gurrr is a beast. Literally, this guy's robot mode is the beast mode standing on its jaws while the tail is folded all the way in to let the robot head reveal itself from the roboanus. The only new things this guy has are the shoulder stickers. One is the normal Decepticon insignia and the other is a rubsign. Yes, they made a faux rubsign that sums up the shitty attempt at being faithful to G1 when it comes to Power of the Primes. I'll take Earthrise's Geewun accuracy approach over this stupid shit any day because at least it wasn't THAT trivial!

Head sculpt is a traditional G1 Decepticon head that has hot pink all over it and silver for the visor. At least the lips are defined nicely. His articulation is average, with a ball-jointed head, shoulder that ratchet front and back as well as in and out, bicep swivels, elbow bends, hips that move front and back, in and out, swivels at the thighs, double-jointed knees, and ankle hinges as well as pivots. You can mount the feet on his forearms as gauntlet cannons but yes, the POTP Voyagers lacked weapons compared to their Combiner Wars predecessors. Why? Don't know. Maybe Outferyes kept his guns.

The figure's transformation into the torso mode is definitely similar to Silverbolt's, mostly in the leg transformation at is becomes the outer portion of the torso while the thighs are made from the arms. Of note, the back is now the front of the torso mode, while the robot head comes from the back of the torso mode. It's a little neat way to deviate from Silverbolt, though it has been said that the two are not retools of one another. Only the engineering is the same. Anyways, the torso mode is the best-looking part due to the arrangement of the components in addition to the color layout. The head sculpt looks awesome, but then again, these parts are the most interesting compared to the other aspects of the toy. And heck, the Enigma can be stored in his chest, which is neater than what Elita-1 got!

As far as repaints are concerned, he had a Generations Selects Takara repaint from the toyline with the other Terrorcons. His face is more discernable, he has guns, and his combiner torso piece is now separate from his body, but he has even less coloring than the POTP version somehow! Honestly, neither version is all that great. The colors are better for the Hasbro version yet it has the shitty stickers. In general, the toy's engineering is meh, both main modes are so-so, and the overall quality of this guy is not as good as any of the Voyagers we got in Combiner Wars or Titans Return. I got him for clearance at DD's Discount and hope to do the same with the Terrorcons.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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