Thursday, May 4, 2023

Transformers Evolution Crashbar review

Another Junkion in the Evolution line?! I'll take it! After Hasbro made Scraphook, it was cool seeing them make these designs that aren't just retools of Wreck-Gar. While we have a motorcycle as an altmode, it's great to see him pop up with a new design and transformation scheme to give him more of a new identity. Not much else to say about this characterless individual without any fiction to use reference to (apart from that QR code), so let's cover him in today's review 

Here is Crashbar in his motorcycle mode. Already distinct from the typical Wreck-Gar affairs, it does have a flame pattern that I believe are reminiscent of the Reveal the Shield toy belonging to his leader. Crashbar's color scheme is mismatched with the beige contrasting the orange and grey, but it is befitting for this kind of design. There are bars that can help keep the altmode stable. Some of the spikes are painted orange, and I like the inclusion of rear-view mirrors and handlebars on this guy.

In general, it is a decent alt mode for a Junkion, but there are some screws visible on this side. Reminds me of when a gimmick toy is best viewed in one angle rather than the other for obvious reasons.

You can interestingly swap parts with his fellow Deluxe Junkion from the last wave if you want an uncanny mashup of parts like this. The mashup on the right looks weirdly cool, while the one on the left struggles for obvious reasons.

For a size comparison, here he is next to Wreck-Gar. Definitely a much smaller and obviously different design, which I commend them for doing since it makes him distinct compared to his leader. I also like that the palette, while similar, isn't exactly the same. Well done, Hasbro!

Transformation continues the trend of the Junkions not requiring to partsform like the Weapon/Modul/Fossil guys, which I can appreciate as someone who wants to see them come up with an original transformation. and to my surprise, this guy is fairly reminiscent of Animated Prowl in terms of the leg transformation, which says a lot when the legs both have the wheels on the backs. The torso transformation weirdly reminds me of a Cityformer for some reason, like Metroplex. The only partsforming is the clubs on the back and the weapons he will later utilize. Robot mode possesses a mix between symettry and asymmetry, surprisingly enough. Fans should be able to find how much he has in common with some designs that pop up. I already thought of a cityformer for the torso design, but the head reminds me of a mix between an Energon Basic Class guy for the torso and a G1 Predacon. The orange and the horns kind of make him fit well for the latter if he was blending in with them. The upper body retains the symmetry while the legs have the front and back of the altmode as their components. The gold helps make the figure pop, too. I kind of wish the right leg held together better than it currently does.

Head sculpt is a fun mix of being robotic and reminiscent of a biking at the same time. It once again reuses the idea of an Ironhide-esque helmet, but with a visor, beard, and horns. His articulation gives him a ball-jointed neck, shoulders on 5mm pegs, outward movement on hinges or ball joints that also help serve as bicep swivels. The elbows bend deeply, the wrists swivel, hips move front and back as well as in and out, the thighs are on 5mm ports, the knees bend, and there are ankle pivots. His weapons can be on the forearms or pegged on the hands. Without the other Core Class ppl around, we can give the torso of Volcanicus the arms of Scraphook and the legs of Crashbar in the meantime.

For a robot mode size comparison, both he and his teammates end up shorter than Wreck-Gar, which I expected given the size difference in the scale. I also have to commend them both for not only taking elements of Wreck-Gar's colors, but also making unique palettes that helped make them distinct from one another, especially Crashbar who isn't really using the same layout on the robot mode like Scraphook is doing with mimicking Wreck-Gar. OH, and one of the wheels can become a triple spike shield.

You can swap the limbs with his buddy to have Crashbar being a shorter and somewhat unbalanced design while Scraphook has lankier legs and shorter arms. So yeah, this figure is pretty fun if you ask me, which is something that we can hope to continue seeing for the other Junkions that may pop up soon.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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