Thursday, September 19, 2024

Star Wars Vintage Collection Jango Fett review

The best Bounty Hunter ever in Star Wars has the following: a sexy color scheme for his suit, iconic blaster sounds that go hard, a badass clone army he sampled his DNA for, a voice that'll make any woman wet, and a video game from a golden age of Star Wars games. He may have died in the same movie he debuted in, but Jango Fett is a far superior character than his son, who stood around and looked cool before he was defeated by a blind Solo. I previously reviewed Jango Fett's 6-inch counterpart in the Black Series line, and now I shall take a look at my first and possibly only ever Vintage Collection version of the chad Temuera Morrison.

Here we have Jango Fett in hand, this time in the 3 3/4 inch scale rather than the 6 inch scale I'm more familiar with. I was hesitant Hasbro would butcher the details of a suit design like this while making smaller figures and attempting to make it look as good as the 6-inch version, but this turned out decently well. The paint apps as well as the sculpted details are properly applied to the toy, and everything feels refined as much as humanly possible at this scale. A bit of a wash is applied to some areas of the silver, which the 6-inch version had to make it feel layered. The indigo from the cloth materials of the suit are in the appropriate shade, and while the brown PVC materials can look cheap on a larger figure, I might be more forgiving on a smaller scale. Maybe the blue around the visor could be darker, and the same goes for the jetpack, which is the one he wore during the arena battle in Geonosis. That being said, the figure manages to win in the looks department.

His helmet looks great apart from the slight color shade inaccuracies. Everything is picked out beautiful, and I am a bit more forgiving on slight mishaps here than I would be on a 6-inch figure. With his dual pistols in his hands, his articulation consists of a ball-jointed neck, shoulder rotation moving front and back as well as in and out, rotation at the elbow, slightly past 90-degree bends at the elbows, wrist rotation, downward hinges for the wrists, a diaphragm joint, ball-jointed hips, thigh rotation (both of which are hindered by the holsters), knees at 90 degrees along with rotation, and ankles that can hinge up and down as well as pivot. 

His flame effect can peg onto the flamethrower mounted on his left forearm for when he needs to roast some Jedi robes. I wish Jango's could do that since the Deluxe Boba Fett can. You do have to keep it in a somewhat straightened shape so it would look more natural coming out of it. And yes, the antenna can hinge down.

The jetpack features ports meant for two blast effect parts that simulate flying. These are annoying to attach because of how flexible the ports are as well as how misshapen the pegs can be. Finally, he has a swappable head for an unhelmeted look a la the Lightning Collection Power Rangers rather than the Black Series approach of putting a helmet over his head. Overall, this figure being priced around the same as you'd pay for a Black Series figure is what makes me feel mixed about the Vintage Collection. Now, as far as I know, the usual price for a VC figure is around $17, which seems a little steep for a figure that would come with one or two accessories. This figure is priced at around the same price as a larger toy, but with a few more accessories and a box rather than a blister card, doesn't justify the price this would go for. I love Jango Fett, but the way the prices and occasional tolerance issues I find with the effect parts are making this a one-off purchase for the line in my eyes. For improvements, I'd add another jetpack to represent what was worn by Kamino for the option to display him in either scenario of the movie. After all, wouldn't the option to remove the jetpack make you wish it was there? Don't get him for the price of a Black Series figure, and if you do, make it a one-off purchase like I chose to do.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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