Monday, June 29, 2020

Transformers Siege Sixgun Review

Another day, another partner of a G1 Titan, though in defense of Sixgun, I like Metroplex more than I do Fort Max. Nothing beats the reveal from Fall of Cybertron where Optimus unleashes the massive Transformer and its line "Metroplex heeds the call of the Last Prime". Sadly, I don't own Thrilling 30 Metroplex yet, but I'd love to one day. Anyways, there's not much to be said about Sixgun because the character didn't do anything significant.

Here we have Sixgun in his vehicle mode. It's a fairly...interesting take on a jet. More specifically, it's based on a vertical takeoff and landing jet (or VTOL for short). Still, it's going to take some slightly bigger turbines to make this fly in-fiction, because it's certainly chunky around the other parts of the vehicle mode. Still, it's got a bit of ammo molded on the figure, with missile pods within the wings and rockets on the tops. I do wonder if those four cylindrical pieces are supposed to be guns or not, but this jet mode at least manages to be a bit more dynamic than Cog's. Still, that's one small cockpit on him. I don't like how exposed the head is from the rest of the jet mode. People say Energon Ironhide or Movie Megatron have exposed heads, but at least Ironhide's got some gear to fairly keep it hidden while Megatron's design fits well with the head he's got. This guy's red head can't even hide from the white jet pieces.

It's fairly blocky from underneath, to the point where it looks like he's holding a big bomb from underneath...not quite ordeal for a vehicle that's supposed to look sleek.

Transformation is still that of a partformer, though with a little bit more to do than with Cog. You have the waist swivel, the legs aren't needed to come off, the torso transforms with a few steps aside from coming off, and the really basic steps are the arms coming off and relocating the gyro blasters from the wings to the shoulder cannons (which are reused from Sideswipe BTW). As for the robot mode, it does look a little more interesting than Cog, though the way the torso is done up makes him look like a Transformer that's wearing a bulletproof chest by how beefy it feels on him, though the arms don't look as interesting as they would on the side view. The red legs make him look like he's wearing pajamas and look kind of basic compared to his more unique chest. Thankfully, he's not as hollow from the back as Cog was except for the headcover.

Headsculpt is kind of like if Soundwave and Blaster had a baby because the head is almost designed like Soundwave yet has Blaster's colors of red for the helmet, blue for the visor (instead of the eyes), and white for the mouthplate (instead of the face).

Articulation is pretty decent for the most part. Head swivels left and right, shoulders move front and back on 5mm pegs and move in and out on somewhat hindered hinges. Elbows bend and swivel and the waist swivels. Hips move front and back as well as in and out, the thighs swivel on 5mm posts. The knees bend and the ankles pivot. If you don't want to have the guns hanging off his arms, then you can take them off and he can hold them fairly well. At least they don't have the same issues that Cog's had.

This toy has a couple of design choices that I want to talk about: this secret torso joint and the 5mm port underneath his chest. I don't think the torso really has any use for the aforementioned joint to move like that unless it's for articulation, but it's otherwise unnecessary for the gimmick. The 5mm port on the chest opens up from the Autobot insignia from his chest, so...what use does it have unless it's for a blast effect.

The stock images have the torso piece, elbow joints, and head (at least in vehicle mode) rendered in white. The torso piece would make sense to be in white, I don't mind the elbow joints not being white, but the head will be hard to tackle. His robot head's supposed to be red, yet having it be white would hide it better.

Here is the only reuse of the mold that exists: Cromar. he's got a black torso, gray arms and upper legs, and red lower legs. The color palette makes him look like he's wearing a black leotard and red boots, which means he'd look funny if he was a human. Anyways, he's based on the G1 Powerdasher, yet manages to look better than the old toy. He's not too shabby, but I recommend him to the more obsessive G1 collectors.

Let's take him apart for his Weaponizer gimmick! The arms, guns, legs, torso block, gyro blasters, and upper torso can each come apart and go with any other figure that works with them.

Let's bring in Ironhide in his vehicle mode and add some ammo to him. The side compartments open up to reveal 5mm posts for the guns while the legs and gryo blasters can go on the forearm posts. This gives more power for Ironhide to work with, but let's go a bit further, shall we? Let's add the torso block and the main jet body to make Ironhide look a lot more badass than before. Now we're talking!

Here he is combined with Ironhide, with the legs as platform shoes, the guns as shoulder cannons, the gyro blasters as small rockets for the legs, and the rest of the body is used for the jetpack. This is a great way of integrating a not-too-bad figure with an awesome figure, and it adds to the awesome figure even more than I expected. It also goes well with Ironhide, too.

Here we have Prowl and Chromia sharing parts of Sixgun. Prowl's using the jetpack, gyro blasters, and the torso joint (which sort of makes him lean) while Chromia is using the legs as platform shoes and the twin blasters. Yeah, I think Ironhide still looks great with the gear. As for Sixgun himself, while the jet mode's fairly blocky, I do like his transformation, robot mode, and the fact that he works best with the awesome Ironhide makes him a treat. I think he also adds well with Metroplex IF I HAD ONE. Anyways, I presume he's still warming pegs, so I guess you can pick him up if you want.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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