Friday, February 9, 2024

Transformers Legacy United Magneous review

A car made of stone could only mean one thing. FLEENSTONES?! No word if Grand Dad is involved with this line, but Magneous is at least able to give 80s babies that Rock Lord itch courtesy of the new Infernac universe. Let's see how he turned out in today's review.

Here we have Magneous in vehicle mode. It's a rocky car that looks kind of Mad Max in appearance, and likely heavier than the vehicles that were shown in The Flintstones. The design itself is at least creative with how it feels like a time-period appropriate car when it comes to how rough the silhouette is. I love the bits of asymmetry comparable to that of a Transmetal II, and while it's mostly lacking in terms of coloring, there are a few different shades of gray used as well as the paint apps used for the windows.

This can be achieved by attaching the shins/feet onto the pickaxe and attaching it onto the bumper. I think it's a decent attack mode.

Here he is next to his Core Class sidekick, Bouldercrash. I just realized now how the hell the Flintstones-era characters would ride these vehicles somehow if they were in the Infernac universe.

Transformation feels pretty been-there-done-that, honestly. The only new thing to me has to be the way the chest transforms, while the arm and leg transformations feel pretty commonplace by comparison. Still, the bot mode looks pretty cool as a Rock Lord homage combined with other 80s rock shit like monsters from that one Headmasters episode. I don't mind the way it tries to look robotic with the knee vents, but he still passes off as a rocky monster nonetheless. His midriff is super skinny, though.

Head sculpt is appropriately asymmetrical and looks robotic while still looking non-robotic at the same time if that makes sense. His articulation consists of a neck swivel, shoulder movement at the 5mm ports, outward hinge movement, a swivel above the elbow, an elbow hinge, ball jointed wrists, a waist swivel, standard universal hip movement, swivels above the knees, deep bends at the knees, and ankle hinges as well as pivots. With his pickaxe in one hand and his backpack shield on another, you can have him ready to kick ass.

For a bot mode comparison, here he is with his tricycle partner once more. I appreciate one is ruby themed and the other to be graphite-themed. Now how would their personalities work? Would BC work as Magneous's sidekick or would the little guy be smart while the big guy is a brute?

His pieces can be disassembled so he can represent the horrors of war, leaving him in an unspeakable state while he slowly awaits death. In actuality, this is for his Armorizer gimmick, because Weaponizers need yet another name change.

The hammer and shield can be used by Bumblebee while Optimus Prime can instead use the rest of the body like some sort of shield despite there being no 5mm peg to use. So as a figure, not that inventive with transformation or articulation. But the rock theme is neat enough to make it interesting as a concept. I think Shard will by my favorite since he is a helicopter and looks like Waspinator. Until then, this guy is fine.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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