Thursday, February 13, 2020

Toy Story 4 Woody & Buzz review

Woody Buzz

Here we have Woody, the star of the Toy Story franchise. Being one of the tallest figures in the line, you won't believe just how tall he is if you get to see this toy in person. This figure captures Woody's look pretty well, and the paint added onto this figure is pretty well applied overall. I'm sure there are some details missing, like a few buttons, but for the most part, this figure looks good. The proportions also look good, and I like the expression he has on him. Only thing I don't like is that it's kind of hard to get him to stand up straight because his legs are a little wonky, but that's nothing too serious.

The articulation on this figure surprises me the most. Head can turn side to side, shoulders move front and back, in and out, bend at the elbows, swivel at the elbows, wrists swivel, waist swivels, hips move front and back, in and out, swivel at the knee, bend at the knees, and even swivel at the boot. You can display him without the hat if you like, and the hair sculpt underneath looks just as good as the face.

Buzz, on the other hand, could be better. While he does look fairly good, there's something off about this figure. There are paint apps that are missing, like around the ankles, and the back looks especially incomplete. The proportions look good, but the torso feels pretty hollow. I also don't like how the head looks like he's got the paint apps for the eyes and the teeth slightly off-centered. So yeah, this guy could use a bit more improvement.

The articulation is about the same as Woody's, though the hips have you move them out at a bit of an angle considering how Buzz is designed. It's decent enough to do, though it would be cool if he had his wings or a helmet dome to display him with. Otherwise, this Buzz comes with no accessories whatsoever.

These two figures make for neat ways to display the characters for a decent price, though they really aren't the best de facto versions of the characters that you can get for the money. I'd suggest getting these figures if you're interested in getting the Toy Story 4 cast at a smaller scale, but if you want the full experience, get their Signature Collection versions.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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