Sunday, August 2, 2020

Transformers Siege Figures Ranked

Ah, the Siege line. The first part of the WFC trilogy, and the first G1-related line that I truly delved into. Unlike most lines, I've barely tapped into them like with Combiner Wars, POTP, and the older parts of the CHUG line. I was initially pretty hesitant in getting this line because I felt it'd be G1 with knees, but it at least felt more ambitious than the POTP line. Now with all that said, I've gotten just about every figure in the line, and a few repaints here and there. It's time I rank the line! I should mention that I'm not counting repaints and will only talk about the mold unless it reuses that does things differently than just cosmetics. I also won't count Battlemasters and Micromasters since they're merely accessories sold separately (plus they'll easily pad out the list). Commander Jetfire and Titan Omega Supreme won't be in this review because I don't have those two, but I would love to get them in the near future. With all that said, let's get into ranking the Siege line!

22. Chromia

This figure is the weakest entry for the Siege line bar none. And it sucks too because she had a pretty decent figure from the Thrilling 30 line that was a retool of Arcee. Being a retool did kind of make her uniqueness a little less interesting, but she was at least based on a better design of this figure. This version of the character would hypothetically better version since it's more G1 accurate, but the issue is that it's not quite as refined as I'd expect. There's stuff like the backpack that outright ruins her look, and it doesn't help by the fact that she's based on a design that was intended to be a combiner yet has the combiner aspect stripped from her. Was it so hard to make a new mold or at least integrate the vehicle mode better? Then there's stuff like the tolerances with this toy, which are a mixed bag for God knows why. First off, the right hand's grip on the gun is somehow loose, yet it's normal on the left hand. The ankle hinges on my copy are somewhat loose, and they don't quite help her stand up normally. The ball joints can easily be tightened up yet the thigh swivels are hard to tighten up because despite having screws to remove, you can't easily remove the pin used on the knee. There's also a waist swivel that is supposed to work yet it's too easy to move around and then there's stuff like the bikini armor coming off unintentionally. If this figure was just going to be a stripped-down version of what was basically an already unimpressive mold, then why even make it like this? I don't think I'd be getting the Netflix repaint or Nightbird anytime soon.

21. Refraktor

On its own, it's a pretty bad figure. The vehicle mode sucks ass, the transformation is fairly basic, and the robot mode doesn't really look all that inspiring. Sure, he's meant to be seen as cannon fodder, but you look at stuff like other troops in series like Energon and TFP and they manage to have fairly unique designs compared to this Genericon. The articulation was alright, but the gaps in the forearms, the shoulder joints, and the poor attempt at hiding the gaps with the landing skis is no laughing matter. It's when you get two more Refraktors (assuming you're interested in paying more copies of a mediocre figure) that things get somewhat interesting. At least it's a little neat to have more foot soldiers that bulk up your Cons, but the best thing about this figure from getting lower on the list is the camera mode. Sure, you have to pay for two extra figures that weren't already good, to begin with, but the camera mode is the only neat thing about this toy. You may find more value from the 3-pack done up in the toy deco, but while this version of Refraktor is easy to find in some stores, good luck getting Scrapface.

20. Cog

Setting aside that it was a glorified accessory of Fort Max sold on its own, this guy's the weakest Weaponizer in the Siege line. The robot mode looks okay if a little basic (and weirdly having a Seeker chest), but the color scheme is at least nice aside from how overly blue this toy is. Sure, there's a good amount of deco for the cannons, and the hips, as well as the tires, are black, but I don't think it's that good of a deco in my opinion. The vehicle modes suck, and the transformation to them's not really exciting. At least the Weaponizer mode's decent, especially when he's used with Sideswipe. And hell, you could probably use this guy for a vehicle mode trailer for Siege Optimus or even get more Cogs and make a crazy bit of C.O.M.B.A.T. mayhem! Otherwise, you better be lucky to have Titans Return's Fort Max.

19. Skytread

While it may not be the most exciting Transformer in the world, I do find that the execution for this figure worked a lot better than I expected. Skytread's an example of a Transformer that doesn't offer much to get me excited about, but he's thankfully not just G1 Flywheels but with knees. And a name like Skytread beats Flywheels! This figure's design is pretty good, and the vehicle modes are thankfully not as wack as I would have expected them to. The only similar figure I can think of was Power of the Primes Battletrap, who was a Transformer that was comprised of Battlesmash the helicopter & Roadtrap the truck. That pair of body halves did have two individual robot modes that were so-so at best, but at least they have that neat option until you get both at once. Skytread has no individual robot modes for the partners, but he is at least one single unit sold at a Deluxe price. All in all, not the most important toy in the line, but he is fine for what he is. And hey, he isn't fragile like Slamdance is!

18. Sixgun

This figure probably would have been on the same levels of meh that Cog was in, but Sixgun was at least better in a few areas. I like his more unique design compared to Cog, and the color scheme, while still in need of a few spots to break things up, does feel a little more interesting given how it's got as much white as it does red. His transformation of sorts into his vehicle mode isn't too bad, though the vehicle mode itself does look a little blocky. I also quite like how he works as a Weaponizer, especially when he's combined with Ironhide, who wears him the best. There is a little bit of odd design work with this figure, such as the random waist joint and the 5mm port behind the Autobot insignia. Still, it's a good example of a Weaponizer that doesn't suck too much, and I can't wait to give him to Fort Max.

17. Prowl

It does kind of suck that he's not entirely better than Universe Prowl, because this figure has room for improvement. The vehicle mode doesn't look too bad, and the transformation is pretty nice, but the robot mode could use a little more bulk. The thighs and midriff just look too small, which doesn't go well with how Prowl usually looks. Also, design choices like the wings not angling upwards or the siren being a separate piece are my nitpicks, but they feel odd for this toy. At least the articulation is good for this figure, but had he actually gotten the proportions improved and didn't feel too thin compared to the other characters, I'd like him more. Let's hope the Earthrise version fixes that. 

16. Shockwave

This would have been a great Leader Class figure had it not been for the execution of it. Look, I get that Hasbro is starting to make Leaders fairly balanced to go along with the Weaponizer gimmick, but I can't stand seeing them shrink even further. IDC how justifiable the accessory count is, this is not a Leader Class figure; this is a Voyager Class figure with armor to dress it up with. At least the Studio Series line attempted to go with larger toys (aside from Jetwing Prime and Shockwave), but why in God's name would this be considered a Leader when it's best priced at $39.99? As for the figure itself, while I do like the fact that it's the best Shockwave figure based on the G1 line in the CHUG series, I can't help but feel this was the best they got for such a character. The gimmick of dressing him up with armor doesn't make up for the price tag he has since he ends up having other Shockwave parts on him and doesn't really have much of a height difference. Sure, he can use those pieces in other ways such as a hoverboard and to further bulk up the jet mode, but I don't think this is exactly what I have in mind for a Leader Class figure. Part of me wishes he would have had some form of proper Leader Class height had he been in the Prime Wars trilogy, especially considering he once pretended to be Onyx Prime.

15. Brunt

This is probably the best Weaponizer in the line to date. The design looks so much better compared to Cog and Sixgun, and I especially adore his Tankor influence. Yeah, he is essentially a prepaint of sorts to the Centurion Drone from the old IDW continuity, but I can't help but love this figure more than I otherwise would have. It's got more personality than I would find elsewhere, and hey, props to Hasbro for making his modes look good. The only issue I do have is that he's got very little creativity as a Weaponizer, though some parts are easy to integrate. Regardless, Brunt is a nicely done figure that will certainly go well with Trypticon.

14. Soundwave

I don't quite think he's as superior as I expected. Siege Soundwave is not as good as people say he is. Not that he's a bad toy, per se, but there are a couple of decisions that make me question him overall. The vehicle mode is not too good-looking, the transformation doesn't really have much going for it, and the fact there's a fan mode for the vehicle mode hurts this toy's official mode even more. Robot mode does look good, and the weapons are decent but somewhat flawed. I also like that he has a spring-loaded tape deck, but this guy should have come with at least one of his partners. It's annoying too since at least every reissue came with one of his partners after the old toy, and he also got at least Laserbeak in the MP line as well as in the FOC line; I understand that not all Soundwaves don't come with their partner, but it can be explained that there is either not enough space on the smaller figures or there are figures that aren't designed to include an accessory, to begin with. The Netflix version will come with his partners and Soundwave himself will be remolded to have a tape deck mode. This guy isn't terrible, but I feel there are things that would have made him worthwhile.

13. Hound

So he may not exactly replace the Universe guy, but there's some good stuff that I dig about it. The figure's vehicle mode has the same Jeep look with a tough as nails look to it, and having the transformation of the figure is not too shabby. Robot mode does look a little stubby, but he does have a bit more going on without looking too much like the G1 toy yet again. Finally, his weapons have a bit of a nice play factor in terms of how you can display them. All in all, he's not the most perfect Siege figure by any means, but I feel there's some goodness to him.

12. Ultra Magnus

Better than Shockwave as a Leader Class figure, but there is a bit room for improvement in terms of price. As he is, I like that he's a new mold from Optimus Prime, and his vehicle mode being different from Prime further makes him even better. The armor size increase is a little better than on Shockwave, but I feel Magnus should be a little cheaper in terms of the price so he won't have to be too expensive, especially since the POTP Optimus figure and Combiner Wars Magnus toy were larger figures (and the former had a trailer that combined with the Voyager scale figure). Still, he's better than Shockwave as a Leader, his own differences from Optimus make him interesting, and the fact that the front of the cab looks like the RID version makes Ultra Magnus having a white Optimus core feel a lot less embarrassing.

11. Starscream/Seeker mold

After the POTP version of Starscream and his poofy proportions, I was hoping the next Starscream would be a little more interesting in terms of aesthetics. Thankfully, the Siege version is better proportioned despite having a massive backpack on him that can come off and be a jet of its own. I like that he's got some great molded detail and takes advantage of making the Tetrajet design actually look cool, but the heavy wings do push him back a bit. At least it's smoother to handle than the 3P versions of the toy. As for the repaints, be ready to spend a lot more than you need to for all the repaints of the line. Thundercracker should be on discount by this point while Skywarp should have been more readily available. I have Hotlink here who should have been Skywarp, and now I'm on the fence of getting the other figures. I hope the Earthrise Seekers are easier.

10. Impactor

Nice to see a proper mold for this guy. Sure, it's not exactly perfect compared to the 3P versions that fans will obviously prefer because it's IDW or because it's not Hasbro, but I'd rather get a figure that's good for what it is as a new mold than get repaints of other figures. This Marvel UK Wrecker has a pretty good tank mode, a decent transformation, and a robot mode that modernizes how the character looked in the older comics. It's not all perfect, though; the yellow head being paint instead of proper yellow plastic and the gaps in the legs are real eyesores, but setting that aside, it's nice to have a character that's from a more uncommon series get a figure instead of another Autobot repaint.

9. Apeface

Apeface is a cool but not quite complete figure to me in terms of the overall product. I'm glad he's got a Triple Changer feature to him and doesn't share any engineering with previous figures, though it's weird how the plastic looks weird despite how the tabbing works. The jet mode looks weak but the gorilla mode looks pretty sweet. Transformation's a little involved, robot mode looks good aside from the aforementioned plastic, and the weapons are so-so. But why is he high up on the list? Because the Horrorcons added a bit of variety to the triple changing aspect of things, with the character turning into a vehicle as well as an animal whereas most triple changers only turn into a land-based vehicle and an aerial vehicle. This guy spices things up a bit, and I look forward to getting Snapdragon, and yes, the Titans Return Apeface is one I want to get.

8. Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime

This is the best Leader Class figure from the Siege line in my opinion. Despite being a retool of Ultra Magnus, GUOP is at least more than just a color swap with a new head and slight cosmetic alterations. There's more to this retool than meets the eye, for he has new accessories to better capture his look in the series. The vehicle mode and super robot mode better reflect this look, but at least the individual robot mode has a few differences with the truck chest and the front bumper. It's obviously not as accurate as the old toy was, and I know that this toy was used in IDW2's fiction, but I'm still happy with how this guy turned out.

7. Sideswipe

One of the first Deluxes I got in the line, and he's still a pretty good entry in my opinion. Vehicle mode captures his look quite well, the transformation is not as dull as it would probably have been, and the robot mode, despite having a much larger chest and pretty flat feet, makes this guy work as a nice mini-MP Sideswipe. I wish he had a proper gun so he can have the shoulder cannon remain complete. The forearms and thighs being an off white don't work, but everything else about this figure looks good. I can't wait to get Red Alert, G2 Sideswipe, and Earthrise Sunstreaker.

6. Mirage

This guy's nearly perfect in my eyes. Mirage has just about everything I need from him. Vehicle mode's a neat take on the F1 Formula race car, transformation is pretty unique compared to most G1 Mirages, robot mode doesn't have anything missing from it, and he's got a great design overall. The only issue I have is that the lower legs are in clear plastic for some reason. Not the end of the world, but it is a strange aspect regarding the rest of him is solid. The 3-pack version does have a clear version of Mirage with a toy-accurate head, and there's also a Netflix repaint of him as a Decepticon disguise. The latter's one I want to get.

5. Megatron

A good version of Megatron that doesn't have a big backpack, isn't a downsized CW Leader, and isn't a pretool of Blitzwing. I dug the tank mode of this guy, the weapons he comes with are generally well done, the transformation works quite nicely, and the robot mode, despite looking somewhat wide, does at least Megatron look a little less basic than the cartoon design. I especially like the head design, where it doesn't look too thin for him. I wish he had wrist swivels as well as some nicer paint apps (which the Netflix version does have), but I'm quite content with how this guy turned out. I don't think I'll feel the same with ER Megatron.

4. Ironhide/Ratchet mold

Finally, a good G1 Ironhide and a Ratchet that follows suit. I know the Earthrise versions will come out soon, but I think Ironhide at least looks a lot more badass in this form than he did in the normal G1 design. He's got a badass look to him that would normally be hard to take seriously because the G1 design just felt generic and his vehicle mode uninspiring. The vehicle mode for Ironhide looks like a battering ram, the transformation is fairly involved, and the robot mode actually looks tough. It's somewhat odd to see with Ratchet since he's not as rough as Ironhide is, but he wears it alright. Ironhide additionally has a badass rocket launcher that turns into a hammer. Ratchet's weapons are not as cool, but props to them for being different. Now let's see how ER Ironhide turns out.

3. Springer

This guy's got just about everything he needs to be good with a few minor issues. Let's get the issues out of the way: the hips and ankles are a little loose. Otherwise, he may not be as perfect as T30 Springer, but he's the second-best Springer made by Hasbro. Vehicle modes are obviously accurate to the G1 series but don't look dorky. Transformation thankfully provides different approaches in getting to each mode. Also love the articulation on this guy and the fact that he's got two swords and two guns. If this figure was to be reused in some other fashion, can we please do a G1/Movie Drift hybrid?

2. Optimus Prime

My favorite Voyager Class figure and possibly one of the best G1 Optimus Primes out there. This guy's so well-done that I feel if I was to make a list on my favorite purchases of 2019, he'd be up there on that list. Robot mode captures his design wonderfully, the transformation is almost Masterpiece-quality, and the truck mode attempts to look alien while still keeping his truck intact. The articulation is also done well, with every point I could ask for present on this toy. Even the weapons are neat, as he's got an Ion Blaster that looks cool and a small but decent shield that turns into an ax! Yeah, I wish he came with a Matrix chamber because his empty hole behind those titty windows is unappealing, but this guy's just so good. One of my favorite Optimus Primes of all time, and I hope to see how the Earthrise figure turns out.

1. Spinister

I don't believe it either, guys. A Deluxe Class figure based on a fairly niche character beats every Voyager and Leader, and just about every figure in the Deluxe range? How did this happen, you might ask? Well, it's safe to say that this guy is perfect in the Siege line. His helicopter mode looks badass for a Deluxe, his transformation is fairly involved and honestly unique in my eyes, the robot mode looks great, and the articulation he has is plentiful. Waist swivel, wrists, ankles, what more could you ask for? I also dig how his weapons still capture the look of the Double Targetmasters without them being the actual dudes. I know some will say that he's not complete without the partners and may not be compatible with the Weaponizers in terms of back pieces. Honestly, the former should have been handled better if they were sold with this guy to justify the $20 price point. But the fact that I got him for $10 dollars the moment I saw him on shelves instantly made me pick him up.

And that covers my look at the Siege line after making plenty of Siege reviews. It's an improvement over the Prime Wars line as it's got figures that don't really feel all that repetitive from one another, and I hope to see Earthrise keep it up in some way, shape, or form. With all that said, hope you guys enjoyed my list.

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