Thursday, June 10, 2021

Star Wars: The Black Series Boba Fett (Deluxe) review

Many love Boba Fett solely for his appearance, voice, and involvement in the original Star Wars trilogy. Generally speaking, he is a fan favorite though he does have the typical aspect of not doing as much. Honestly, Jango Fett's a better character in my opinion since he was both a better bounty hunter, had a less-embarrassing defeat and is generally seen as one of the most important aspects of The Clone Wars. Either way, Boba Fett is a cool character to have nonetheless, and he'll make for the obvious yet neat pop-culture fame that people would still go for (even I would love that despite preferring Jango Fett). Now let's take a look at another Deluxe figure review in this line!

Here is Boba Fett in hand, capturing the look his suit has in the movies overall. This is meant to replicate his appearance from Return of the Jedi, but as far as the details are concerned, the sculpting is great and the paint apps are generally good. There are scratches on the armor while the spandex parts of the suit are left untouched but are given a wrinkly look as far as sculpting is concerned. Some nice things I like about the figure are the insignias on the shoulder pads as well as the flamethrower piece on the left arm. His right arm notably has some wires on the elbows, and I like that the knee guards have some silver to represent some secret ammo. The jetpack, however, is a weird one if you ask me. While it has some nice paint apps to make it look warn, I think the colors on it look a little too vibrant if you ask me. Not like a Playskool toy, mind you, but it is kind of distracting and it actually reminds me more of what a ROTJ jetpack toy would look like back then. And yes, the missile can be attached on there. The cape is made out of a PVC material, though it is nicely sculpted (the hole is a safety thing, but it could pass off as a small bullet hole).

Head sculpt (or in this case, helmet sculpt) looks very nicely done as far as the proportions, paint apps, and accuracy is concerned. IF anything, the only annoyance is that the antenna could be a little less crooked. Some say it's a little misshapen out of the box, but it otherwise looks fine to me. His articulation consists of two ball joints on the head and neck, shoulders that move front and back as well as in and out, swivels at the elbows as well as bends for them, hands that can swivel as well as hinge up and down for the right hand or in and out for the left hand. There is a diaphragm joint (and the belt doesn't get in the way). The hips move front and back, in and out, they swivel at the thighs, bend at two points for the knees, and the feet swivel as well as hinge and pivot. He has a traditional laser rifle that he can hold in his right hand as well as dual-wield with his left hand. 

Boba Fett's also got a hook that can clip onto his right arm and can be used to sort of lasso up someone like Luke, but attaching it on the forearm is annoying as hell since it doesn't really stay on too well and is probably short. Also included are both the same gun but sliced in half (it can be pegged on but it'll still looked damaged) and a flame effect piece that goes on the left arm! I especially love the fade from yellow into the burning orange.

The jetpack has two small thrusters that can let the jetpack use the flame effect pieces that help it give off the impression that the character is flying, and it's perfectly aided with a flight stand! As we have him go against Mace Windu and Ahsoka Tano, you can see how much I love making my own what-if situations involving Star Wars characters. But is Boba Fett a good toy? I think he might be the best version of the figure in Black Series form, but he's not 100% perfect; I do wish he had more alternate hands, and both the jetpack as well as the hook clip don't stay on that well. Either way, the price for the guy is a wee bit too steep for a regular figure, and unless he had a flight stand, I don't think you should pay more than $29.99 for him.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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