Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Transformers Legacy Wreck N Rule Diaclone Twin Twist review

As with the War for Cybertron trilogy, Hasbro made a subline for the Legacy line in the form of Wreck N' Rule, which obviously revolves around the Wreckers. While the Voyagers receive repaints based on specific iterations (Bulkhead having an AOE Hound deco and Springer is based on the Marvel Comics & toy), the Deluxe sets consist of a WFC Deluxe being redecoed or coming with a new head sculpt (Marvel Impactor and G2 Leadfoot) as well as Fossilizers taking forms not shown before (Spinosaurus and Mastodon). One release goes a few years before Siege. It gives us a pretty neat addition to the line-up while also serving as a hopeful opportunity at completing the duo in some fashion after missing out on them in the Titans Return line. For today's review, it'll be all about Diaclone Twin Twist!

Here is Twin Twist in his vehicle mode. It's a pretty made-up design that both represents the dual-drill tank he possessed in G1 as well as updating it to be a little more Cybertronian in design. The original was just a robot doing an extreme ab crunch anyhow. While the color scheme is pretty simple with the prominent blue taking up most of the altmode compared to the center's red, the use of yellow on the vents as well as the silver on the drills break up the blue of the vehicle mode. Even the gunmetal gray on the treads is nice to have. Much like the sculpted details on the WFC trilogy, the surface area has nice levels of panel-lining to make this look more robust than other toys in the line-up.

The guns can peg onto the backs of the vehicle if you want to give it some artillery. While the red might be distracting on the pegs and tabs, at least they help make the connections and 5mm posts easier to work with instead of damaging any paint that would otherwise be scrapped off had they been on there. The 5mm ports are hexagonal instead of normal, though.

The Titan Master can hitch a ride inside the cockpit OR on the sandwiched guns that is normally done with plenty of figures in the Titans Return line.

The Titan Master itself is not named this time around, but it was originally named Flameout. For the original version, he was either all white with a blue visor or with a blue torso. Here, he has a blue head with a silver face as well as blue arms, a grey torso and thighs, and red lower legs. Oh and you can make a sort of ED-209 mode with the vehicle.

Transformation is pretty neat in some areas. While the legs and arms don't feel too mindblowing, the torso transformation is great with the way it has you detach the waist, then swivel the structure that has the shoulders and back of the torso, and then attaching the lower body back. The resulting robot mode is pretty well made for a figure that needed a massive step-up from the G1 toy. The body feels proportioned right, the design is improved upon, and the shoulders have some identity with the treads attached to them. In addition, the colors are already nice, but the kneepads and shoulders remind me of Mcdonald's fries. Even the back kibble with the sort-of open cockpit housing the drills. The Diaclone colors are a great way to make these figures worth getting either to have the molds again or for the first time since the Titans Return releases are expensive in the aftermarket.

The head sculpt is standard for the Autobots, and is it me, or does it look like a mix between Orion Pax and Kup? As for his articulation, it's about the same for the WFC trilogy: ball-jointed head, shoulders on ball joints, bicep swivels, elbow bends, waist swivels, ball-jointed hips which are tighter than normal, thigh swivels, and knee bends. And of course, he looks great with those guns.

As far as the previous uses are concerned, this is the Hasbro version, which has the G1 colors in the form of bathroom white and blue (IDK why that's what I think of), and a nearly unpainted Titan Master. And I just realized that the kneepads are supposed to flip out...Anyways anyone find it weird how the treads are unpainted in the robot mode?

And here we have the Takara Legends version. It has some slightly altered paint apps and darker colors, but apart from the addition of Spoilsport, which, as of this writing, remains without a Sureshot toy to accompany him (meanwhile, Crosshairs and Pointblank exist).

And here we have him next to two current figures. I chose Studio Series Bumblebee because of the major height difference as well as to show that Bee's in the recent addition to the line based on his appearance in Dark of the Moon. As for Mirage, the figure will be reused as G2 Leadfoot in the Wreck N Rule subline, and he also remains taller than him in addition to being heftier than either toy. Yeah, the taller height in that line wasn't from Hasbro making some of their taller Deluxes feel cheaper (Studio Series Ratchet, Siege Ironhide). At the very least it works since I'd expect him to be taller than the normal Autobot Car. So if you can't get the Jumpstarter duo in the Titans Return line and want at least one figure from the Wreck N Rule line, get this guy.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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