Saturday, January 7, 2023

Transformers Legacy Transmetal II Megatron review

It's weird how we're immediately going to Transmetal II Megatron because of us starting Season 1 and then getting straight to Season 3 rather than 2. Maybe Hasbro wanted to feel reassured on how they'd tackle the Transmetals when very few characters were given Transmetal II upgrades. Maybe Hasbro was more interested in providing Optimal Optimus a partner, which reminds me that I don't have him yet. Or maybe it's because they need a Leader Class man right away. In any case, he is a pretty good addition to the line-up that can take advantage of the need for Beasties in the Legacy line even after the prominence of the Kingdom line. So let's give Transmetal II Megatron his review!

Here is Transmetal II Megatron in his dragon mode. This beast is gorgeous, and probably my favorite dragonformer I own, probably more than Predaking or Dragonstorm. Of course, they're both quadrupeds rather than being bipedal, but I like the jagged look Megatron possesses, complimented by the red, orange, and gold color scheme he possesses. And with the mix of metal and organic elements as is the case with the Transmetals, on top of his wings being pretty dynamic (if a bit flexible given the materials they're made of), this is a great take on Transmetal II Megatron. I wish he had some metallic red paint to convey his look a bit closer to how it is in the cartoon, and that'd be a better use of conveying that form rather than using chrome. As for articulation, the wings can flap, and they can also fold downwards for a retracted look if you want. The neck has 4 ball joints, a hinge at the base of the head and jaw, the tail has 3 ball joints, a hinge where the tail connects, dragon arms that hinge front and back, in and out, thigh swivels, elbow bends, swivels for the claws, hinges for said claws, hips being able to move front and back, in and out, thigh swivels, knee bends (if they're not already bent), and articulation at the feet where they hinge up and down and rock side to side. His sole accessory is a flame breath effect piece, which is a bit chunky and looks like a translucent Cheeto in a good way. It's great he has an effect piece since his Kingdom/BWS1 self was in need of an effect piece.

For a beast mode size comparison, here he is next to his Season 1 counterpart, and for anyone wondering, this guy is closer to the cartoon (for the most part) since the Season 1 characters had more realistic beast modes rather than being fully cartoon-accurate like the Masterpiece versions of some of the characters. Megatron's T2 form is much more reminiscent of the show model, but the wings are toy-accurate. It's also worth mentioning that Hasbro assembled in reverse, as they're facing the wrong way. 

Transformation is somewhat different from the original toy, as his legs mostly straighten out while the dragon chest is not part of the right arm like on the old toy; it's not as involved as the original Transmetal II toy, nor does it have the same layout of the transformation scheme. At least it doesn't have a needless transport mode. Megatron's robot mode is impressive, with its demonic influence, continued organic design elements on the torso, and asymmetrical traits, such as the shins and the arms (which are even more asymmetrical as he has a different shoulder on his already unique left arm (which is the neck and head of the beast mode similar to the T-Rex head hand of the original design). While there is less orange to break up the mostly red, purple, and gold, there is the orb in the center of the torso to stand in for the wings tucked away. And in comparison to his chunky original toy, this guy is lean and mean while still capturing the look of the show well.

Head sculpt is a little weird. Not because his robot head is underneath all that mass from the dragon's tail and the cap on the helmet, but because his face sculpt is toy-influenced rather than cartoon-influenced. The snarling expression he possesses is like a refined take on his old toy's face, especially with sharper teeth that contrast the more "pearly white" look he's normally got. His articulation has slightly better leg movement with them being straightened, but the head can turn left and right, shoulders move front and back, in and out, the right arm can move front and back, in and out, swivel at the bicep, double-bend at the elbow, while the left arm has the same first two points of articulation in addition to the already mentioned dragon neck movement. Oh and his flame effect can be a club on his right hand.

For a robot mode size comparison, he's taller than his original self,, which does make him more of a Leader Class figure than his previous design. Kingdom Megatron is a little further back, but take my word for it that he is still shorter than his original self. So yeah, Transmetal II Megatron is the best Leader Class figure introduced in the Legacy line. Scourge had a few things that made him feel incomplete, and Blitzwing was a case of you either wanting him because you want a version of him or not if you owned the Titans Return version. I'm impressed with this guy overall, and I do hope we see a Cryotek right away. That being said, where's Transmetal 1 Megatron?!

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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