Friday, September 15, 2023

Transformers Legacy Evolution Devcon review

Smokescreen's best friend forever is a G1-element, as the name Devcon might be more familiar to other fans who saw the giant quadrupedal Decepticon in Dark of the Moon. We'll wait for a long time to get that guy as a Commander Class toy in Studio Series (thanks, Magnus!) while this guy will go well with Earthrise Smokescreen in any G1 collection. Toy-wise, two failed attempts in the early 2000s as a convention exclusive had him retooled from Beast Machines Mirage and Energon Slugslinger, but we eventually got a toy of him as a retool of the 2011 Generations Scourge figure for the Pirates vs Knights BotCon set in 2014. Now he has a heavier retool than what a repaint and head swap allows with the help of Blurr's mold on his side, and we'll see if that turned out well for today's review!

Here is Devcon in his vehicle mode, a Cybertronic cruiser that is accurate to the animation model. Being a heavy retool of Blurr results in the two blue bots almost having nothing in common, but that was the point of using the speedster as a choice after all. The lack of a cockpit along with silver for the funs and the red boosters make this even more distinct than the norm, and while the arms look more obvious without the added kibble signature of Blurr, the hands are at least hidden away.

For a retool comparison, here he is in-between SS-86 Blurr and Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Blurr. I like that we are able to get 3 different shells for this guy that become slowly more distinct from one another. That and the different shades of blue between one another, too.

And here he is next to Smokescreen, the Autobot he shared spotlight with in the G1 episode, The Gambler. Devcon staying in his Cybertronian form to contrast his friend's Earth mode is something I like about these two

Transformation is mostly the same as before, but with a few new tricks up its sleeve, literally with the hands flipping out along with the backpack having an additional panel that goes with his red thrusters now that they are a jetpack. Otherwise the torso doesn't do a whole lot with the rest of the transformation being the same as before. The robot mode is not as lean as Blurr now that he has more of a superhero physique that, combined with the predominant blue with the red lower legs and the jetpack, makes him look like Superman. No red crotch so that will trigger the purists. Beyond that, no major parts are reused between him and Blurr apart from the thighs and the feet.

Head sculpt is basically a good guy pre-Scourge aesthetic what with the blue dome and the silver bit on the head. Funny enough, he was retooled from Scourge once, but this heavy retool fits him better. His articulation is a neck swivel, shoulders that move front and back, in and out, bicep swivels, elbow bends, wrist swivels, waist swivel, hips that move front and back, in and out, thigh swivels, knee bends, foot hinging and ankle pivots. The blaster he comes with can be held in his hand as always.

For a robot mode retool comparison, here he is in-between the two Blurrs, and I now realize that the elbow joints are also reused for Devcon. It's crazy seeing how one can turn a very specific character design into a less distinct but still specific look with the retooled parts that are made specifically for Devcon. You wouldn't even know since he looks like an entirely new mold!

And for a look next to his bff, here he is next to Smokescreen once again, this time in robot mode. And it's pretty nice showing the differences between the Diaclone-originating Datsunbot vs the pre-1986 movie cartoon-original character. 

Overall, Devcon is an unexpected but still good addition to the Legacy Evolution line with how much retooling is added to make him that much more special than past releases, especially since he was a one-off character. Apparently, a Slizardo was planned to come included with this guy but there was no room in the budget. Maybe he'll come in a Hasbro Pulse accessory pack that also comes with Lord Gyconi that'll be the price of a Leader Class figure in Hascon 2024 or whatever. Until then, he has to envy Beachcomber's bird.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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