Saturday, March 28, 2020

Transformers Studio Series 2019 Reuses Ranked

With a look at the new molds (and heavy retools) of the 2019 Studio Series lineup, let's take a look at the repaints and slight retools of the 2019 waves. For those that may be confused, I'm counting figures in this line as straight repaints of pre-existing figures or slight retools with or without altered colors. For example, the 2019 Studio Series Optimus Prime and Helicopter Drift figures count as a new figure because they have more retooling applied onto them, especially Drift. Something like Jetwing Prime or TLK Drift belong on this list because they have slight molding differences from their previous releases and have different colors. With that out of the way, let's see which figures, be it regular retail or store exclusive, should belong in any Movie collection!

8. Crankcase

What was Hasbro thinking?! You're telling me that the Berserker mold was not repainted into Crankcase, even though they have the same design?! While it may seem weird to complain about some Decepticon grunts that mainly appeared in the highway chase from Dark of the Moon (even though it's more ridiculous to complain about how one thing about a CHUG figure makes it inaccurate to the G1 cartoon), this really isn't what Crankcase looked like in Dark of the Moon. While their vehicle modes look similar, Crankcase and Crowbar have a few design differences between one another, notably with the heads. Crankcase has a few more dreads on his head while Crowbar does not. Maybe Hasbro didn't want to deal with the clog of peg warming Berserkers at the time of release, but if that's the case, why even retool the figure to make Crowbar when he also peg warmed (but not as bad as Berserker did)? Sure, the toy is nicely painted, but I feel you're better off customizing Berserker unless you want to complete the line.

7. Clunker Bumblebee

Clunker Bumblebee is neat for the fans that never got the original release due to the lack of custom faded paint or the poor quality control some copies had. The battle damage paint apps do look good, and the figure has a pin added for the rooftop, but I have to admit that this is what the original figure should have looked like. The figure does have some differences from the regular release, like the removal of yellow paint in some spots, the lack of stripes on the chest, and the all silver Stinger Blaster(?) included with the figure. I do recommend this figure, but if you have the regular release with added paint or stickers to make it movie-accurate, you kind of already have it.

6. As Seen in Parks Megatron

The Universal Studios Transformers ride is something I always wanted to check out, as it looks fun to be in the action of the indoor roller coaster while also meeting Optimus, Bumblebee, and Megatron at the same time. Also want to see the Simpsons section, check out the Spider-Man and Hulk rides, see if the Harry Potter section can get me hooked on the franchise, and maybe beat up a Minion. Oh, we're talking about the Studio Series repaints?

Anyways, this Megatron is a silver redeco of the DOTM figure that doesn't include the cloak or the Igor figurine. The colors do feel more like a normal Megatron than the DOTM colors, though part of me feels he should have an optional ROTF cannon? I can only recommend this figure if you can get him for cheap because being a ride-exclusive will put him in the same vein as all the other exclusives by being hard to find..

5. Battle Damaged Megatron

ROTF Megatron was certainly a neat figure to own, though it had a few things I didn't like. Those included the lack of a normal right arm, no silver coat of paint, and the gap from the side view. This version of Megatron gives him a more metal look to his deco, yet I would have preferred the PVC parts to not be bronze. The new head does look cool, although it means that if you want to give this figure the pristine head, know that the colors would clash badly. Only get this figure if you want to get all the repaints.

4. Jetwing Optimus Prime

This is one reuse I actually did buy when I first saw it, mainly because it had plenty of accessories that were in DOTM. Now this is the Optimus Prime figure that counts in the reuse portion of the Studio Series rankings. As a Leader Class figure, I feel this toy doesn't really do it for me; given how the only changes to this figure are the windows, the abdomen, the gold fade, and the pins for the back panels (as fellow Transformers fan Carnivius mentioned), it makes me think of this figure is less of a necessity to a collection and more of a running change variant. The trailer and weapons are neat assets, but they don't really justify the Leader Class price point when it comes to the hollowed parts and the lack of paint on almost everything. Maybe if this was priced at $40, I feel it'd work a bit better, but I don't think this figure is one I would really recommend getting at $55. I also wish it wasn't revealed right away since the MV1 version started to be on shelves at the time.

3. KSI Boss

If I got this guy for cheap and had the Thunderwing Titan Master, this would certainly be my Nitro Zeus. This figure was already one of my favorite non-Seeker Transformers, and I did like Nitro Zeus in The Last Knight, but KSI Boss has some nicer colors in comparison. I just wish KSI Boss was Nitro Zeus the whole time so I didn't have to be obliged to get this repaint. I do recommend getting this toy if you never got the original Nitro Zeus, though unlike Thundercracker, there's nothing really new that's added to this figure.

2. TLK Drift & Baby Dinobots

This figure is another TLK repaint, but there are a few things that make him better than the regular version. The color scheme is a lot more accurate than the previous version, he has a new sword, and the head sculpt is retooled to resemble the movie design. Even the vehicle mode looks nicer without the stupid red rims, as they now have a respectable red trim between the black of the tires and rims. Also, some baby Dinobots are included! This is the second-best repaint in the 2019 Studio Series waves, even if the mold is kind of clunky for Drift.

1. Cogman

Yet another TLK release, Cogman's actually one fans would certainly need. Why? The original version was extremely hard to find at retail, but this figure isn't too hard to find. On top of that, the deco is a lot nicer for the vehicle mode, making Cogman shine like a die-cast car compared to the dull gray of the original release. Sure, some of the wash isn't present for the robot mode, but I'm happy with owning this figure in the first place, especially considering just how rare the original was, even on clearance! I highly recommend you get this figure, as it's got a pretty cool robot mode based on what the Transtector would have looked like along with the shiny deco and the fact that Cogman was one of the best parts of The Last Knight.

And that covers all the Studio Series repaints and slight retools from 2019. Now 2020's lineup for Studio Series looks to be quite massive, and if it'll really be the last year of the line (hope not because there are other characters I need), then it's certainly going out with a bang! Problem is...I need to catch up with half of the first wave. Due to the coronavirus lockdown, I really can't go to Amazon and pick it up from a locker because people are only allowed to get food, and at very small groups, too. So I can only hope to catch up when the lockdown is over soon, but in the meantime, be sure to check out some of the other reviews I have planned.

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