Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Transformers Studio Series MV1 Optimus Prime review

The original version of Studio Series Optimus was fine, but there were some issues I had with it. The colors looked a bit too dark than they normally were, the size looked a bit off, and the chest was inaccurate. I still liked it, but not as much as I thought I would. Back when October was announced, I was surprised that Optimus would not only be retooled to be more accurate, but he'd also combine with Jetfire. So after a few months of waiting for the line to show up, I was happy to see Optimus finally show up. Is he worth waiting for? Let's find out.

Here is Optimus in his vehicle mode. It looks somewhat like the original version did, but the colors are now a lot brighter, the rims are now painted, the windows don't look as foggy on the original release, and the grill has some silver paint. As for molding differences, the gas tanks and toolbox steps are remolded, and I think they make the vehicle mode look less accurate, and there are still the same issues that the original mold had, like the lack of silver on the bottom of the smokestacks, the tops of the stacks are still short, the feet are visible, and there are flames missing.

Here's an idea of the differences from the side. It just doesn't seem quite right. Also, this side of the truck mode has a bit of a chip on the roof, which seems prevalent on every release.

The truck mode can attach the gun to the sides with a tab instead of using a 5mm peg. The gun looks like it's floating next to the truck, but at least there are no 5mm holes ruining the look.

Here is a comparison next to the original tooling of the mold. I should mention that I customized the paint of the old mold, with the windows, rims, and the bottom of the smokestack having paint that wasn't there on the old version. I have to say that the original version is a bit better in the new one. The truck parts look a bit more proportionate to the rest of the altmode.

Here is an idea from the side view; the gas tanks and toolbox steps look better on the original release.

To the benefit of the retool version, the size is slightly bigger on the original, but just slightly. It's able to help the truck mode look less small compared to Ironhide. Still, wish the smokestacks were longer.

The top of the altmode has a few differences, mainly the lack of lights on the piece, and the slots are different. The original Optimus lets you store the altmodes on the back of the robot mode, these tabs are used for attaching the backpack better. Also, the back of the legs should be blue instead of gray. I do wish the new version had better flame paint apps.

The Energon blades can still be attached on the back, which is good to see.

Here are the 2017 Autobots together. They look great together, though Bumblebee still needs to be in his modern form. I feel Ironhide and Jazz should be slightly smaller.

Here are the two Studio Series Primes along with two Ironhides: one from the same line they're from, and another that comes from the HFTD line. I feel that HFTD Ironhide scales better with the Studio Series line in vehicle mode, though it's blue clear plastic, brown tires, and light grey undercarriage won't match up with the original version.

The transformation is slightly altered compared to the original toy. The differences include the front tires transforming on different hinges, the backpack breaking up in a more involved form, the chest opening up like Evasion Prime, and the rear portion of the tires not folding down to resemble the front part of the truck at the ankles. I do appreciate the more involved aspect of the vehicle mode, though I don't really like how thin the new pieces for the front tires are.

The robot mode is a lot more screen accurate compared to the 2018 version. While the truck mode has a few issues, the robot mode looks better than I expected! It's not 100% perfect, though I do appreciate the attempt to make Optimus feel more complete overall. The chest especially looks better than it previously does, and it's one of the best faux-window chests for a Prime out there. Some paint apps are missing, like the silver on the thighs and the blue on the forearms, but it's still pretty good.

The head sculpt looks about the same as the original one, though the paint apps are less dark. I do wish the rest of the head was painted better.

The articulation's about the same with a few differences. There is a ball-jointed neck that's stiffer here than on the original release, shoulders that can swivel front and back as well as in and out, biceps that swivel 360°, elbows that hinge, and wrists that swivel. There is a waist swivel which can be a bit hindered by the tires, hips that move front and back stiffly, in and out fairly normally, thighs that swivel yet are still somewhat limited because of the middle tires, deep yet stiff bends at the knees, and the ankles hinge front and back as well as pivot decently.

His one accessory is the Ion Blaster. It looks kind of small and should cover the hands somewhat. I do like that the barrel has the same scorch that the Masterpiece one has, which is a positive for this toy.

It's able to plug on the back for storage. I should mention that the back panels do have a tendency to pop off at times, so be careful when transforming the figure.

The figure can still hold the Energon blades, though the arm panels need to be slightly untabbed for them to be held.

There is an interesting aspect of the toy's accessory. The metallic red abdomen comes from Jetfire in the same wave, though there is a problem with it... doesn't match up the red paint. It does seem to be made for the Jetwing Optimus variant, so maybe it works on that one?

Since the Jetwing version was covered in a separate review, here is the 5-pack version of Optimus Prime. This figure has less paint on the inner legs his forearms, and his windows are black, but the blades are now included instead of the gun. Kind of ironic since he only had one blade and the gun was used in the film. Thankfully, the backpack pieces are pinned, but his grille can still break at the tabs. It's interesting how Hasbro got to use this guy and Takara the SS-05 version for the Premium version, especially if the better paint apps would benefit this guy, but regardless, history repeats itself as the Jetwing Prime version pops up again after this guy gets released.

Here it is next to the original version. You can see just how much has been retooled by Hasbro, between the chest area, parts of the arms, some of the leg and backpack engineering; it's like the one on the right is the official one and the one on the left is a knockoff in some ways.

The toy is slightly taller compared to the original version, though the original version's backpack, while inaccurate, at least did look flatter, and the lower legs' tire parts look a bit more accurate compared to the new one. Also, is it me, or should those flames on the arm panels be darker than they are?

The backpack is much more screen accurate, though still not quite there, yet.

Here is Optimus next to his fellow Autobots in robot mode. Being slightly taller than the original version, Optimus does scale better overall compared to other Autobots. You can make the scale work a bit better if Ironhide's knees were bent a bit.

It's so nice to have the Autobots get closer to becoming complete as they reunite in the Studio Series line, but we're not quite done yet since Bumblebee has yet to get his Camaro Concept form.

Optimus on his own is a pretty good retool of the 2018 mold that does sadly sacrifice the look of the truck mode. While not awful, there were some parts that the 2018 version did better than this one. Despite that, this Optimus is one I'd still get if you want to have a more screen accurate version of the character, and one that combines with Jetfire...though maybe not get this individual version? Maybe it'll be best to wait for a jet wing to show up in a review, later on, right?

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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