Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Transformers Studio Series 3-year overview

The Studio Series of the Transformers lines that got me hooked even more in collecting Transformers on a regular basis. It was great to own characters from the line that I have bought over the years, especially when it comes to making a more definitive collection of characters that I like and even getting Transformers that were never in any toy lines. The best part was that while it felt like I'd never get certain characters in the past or had to wait for clearance sales, I got everyone in the line thanks to college refunds and me getting a job. Even when other toylines, like the Lightning Collection, Beast Morphers, and War for Cybertron would get attention put on them, I was always set to get just about every figure based on the Transformers series that makes me happy the most. 

Revisiting the Figures I Bought Over the Years.

1. Bumblebee: This guy holds up for the most part. Deco looks consistent, the transformation is solid, and both modes are accurate. The only thing I don't like was that the figure's roof piece doesn't like to stay on. And I tried multiple methods of making it remain on there, and it somehow got one of the tabs broken. I also thought of using black sharpie rather than tinting film to make the windows darker, but it looks kinda bad and rough, so I switched parts with this and an SS-15 Bumblebee so that can be my SS-01 Bumblebee and I will get another SS-15 Bumblebee and leave it as it is. The original one I have will be left in vehicle mode somewhere.

2. Stinger: It's great to own a version of Stinger that isn't riddled with Camaro parts, though it's not perfect. having the figure roll in vehicle mode is kind of annoying, and I don't like how the toy's weapon works. Still, it's a version of the character that deserves to be on the shelves, and props to Hasbro for making it accurate while giving it a proper transformation. The head should have more paint, though.

3. Crowbar: While similar to Berserker, this guy makes me surprised about owning this guy is the heavy retooling used, which won't be that noticed in vehicle mode beyond the exposed dreads. This guy is solid if a little too much like his mold mate. I do wish the dreads would have more articulation, like a bendy-wire, though I expect those to be a little hard to work with at their size.

4. Ratchet: I'm still happy to own this guy, though he desperately needed some paint. I did that with a sharpie, though I plan on trying it again with proper black paint so it wouldn't rub off too easily. I also want to give his headache rack cape a mod so it can break up like with the old DOTM figure. He captures Ratchet's proportions fine, but the plastic feels thinner than with the older toy.

5. Optimus Prime (ROTF): After having the Battle Blades figure, which looked more accurate yet was a little fiddly, this guy has better proportions and articulation! Colors and aspects of the robot mode aren't accurate, but this guy was solid for the time and makes for a good take on the guy if a little short. My favorite thing about him is the pair of Energon blades he has. They're the right size, they're painted beautifully, and they're made of firm plastic! They're even integrated in a clever way by using underslung ports!

6. Starscream: While he may seem like just an ordinary upsize, I commend Hasbro for using better sculpting, new joints, added parts to the transformation like the chest covers, and better plastic! This makes the old DOTM Deluxe feel like a knockoff! He's missing a few things that make him closer to the CG model, mainly the back boosters and some added weapons, but he makes for a neat take on the character in the movies! Also refreshing to go back to the MV1 deco, which was a cleaner and more accurate appearance for his jet mode compared to the tattoos (which we will get to later).

7. Grimlock: It's still a fun Leader Class figure, though I won't deny that his transformation is a little too basic and the upgrade kit from DNA Designs improved it even further. That being said, he is far more accurate than the older version of the character, he is painted nicely, and he has more value for money with those aspects as well as his beef far more than that ugly ass piece of shit AOE Leader with its inconsistent colors and awful chrome and lazily designed transformation. This is a real king.

8. Blackout: It's great to own a version of the guy that better scales with the other Transformers in the line. While he may be a little too short for a Leader Class figure, what makes him work is his more complex transformation than with Grimlock and the size of his vehicle mode. It's a massive helicopter that captures how big he is in the movie. Posing him is a little hard, but it's manageable. I also love the tiny Scorponok he has!

9. Jazz: This guy was an example of Hasbro changing the way we see how Deluxe budgets work. While he is a shorter version of the guy, he is able to capture his proportions quite well (even if the chest could be a little wider and his arms a little more defined). The silver paint does him wonders, and I love the cannon he has. He doesn't split in two, but that's okay with me! I even love the chest transformation taken from the Human Alliance figure. So what's cracking is a small but still cool figure, lil' bitches!

10. Lockdown: While better than the AOE version, I don't think it's 100% perfect. The robot mode sculpting is exquisite, the proportions capture Lockdown well, and the weapons he has are accurate. He's even tall enough to look good next to other tall guys like Optimus Prime! And while the Lamborghini Aventador looks perfect, the sad thing is that the transformation is a little basic. The backpack has some of the car shell, but what hurts more is the somewhat limited articulation, which mainly comes from the hips and waist swivel clashing. 

11. Brawl: He is the most accurately proportioned of all of the Movie Brawls out there, though the instructions make the transformation annoying. At least the actual transformation is clever, though I do wish it'd let me swivel the tank turret or the upper part of the turret. The robot mode also has issues of its own, mainly with the arms etched into part of the tank mode and the turret sticking downwards rather than hinge to the hip like with Armada Megatron. Still, a solid take on the Decepticon punk.

12. Megatron (ROTF): Even if he doesn't have a shiny coat of paint, he is worlds better than either version of the ROTF design made in the past. The design is far more accurate, the articulation feels consistent, the sculpting is masterful, and the transformation, as well as the vehicle modes, work well. I'm sure some would wish there'd be added pieces for the vehicle mode as well as a swappable right arm, but as it is, it's superior to the 2009 offerings.

13. Ironhide: I think this is the Ironhide that truly nails everything about this design. Proportions are perfect, the weapons look correct, the head sculpt looks right, and the vehicle mode is big (even if it looks a little too big next to Optimus). I love how this guy looks, and even with the bumper on him, this beats every other version of Ironhide made in the past.

14. Bumblebee (VW Beetle): Our first figure based on the Bumblebee movie, it's mid-tier for me. I think the design looks good, and even better with the wings added. The weapons and alternate mask are nice touches, but the thing that is annoying comes from the transformation, which not only requires you to line it up properly but also has parts that can get undone a wee bit too easily. But lemme tell you, the rest of the Bumblebee movie figures go up and down in terms of quality!

15. Bumblebee w/Charlie: Initially, this guy was made to be a set that anyone can get and customize stuff however they want. He also didn't have stripes on him. I'd get it, but would I honestly want to? The pieces aren't even going to be used much in robot mode and the thing requires stickers. Why? Then the Buzzworthy Bumblebee line brought in a version of Bumblebee that not only has the Charlie figurine but also has the stripes AND the pin! So I switched parts with this and SS-01 Bumblebee so that can be more complete and then I will get this guy again so he can be my SS-15 Bumblebee.

16. Retro Pop Highway Bumblebee: This is a gold repaint of Bumblebee that I wanted to get the moment it was on clearance. It got me closer to the completion parts of the line, the gold deco is mostly nice, and the micro-cassettes being recreations of the ones made in Japan are sweet bonuses. The only reason why it took me so long was that the price was not worth it. A Deluxe figure coming with two cassettes do not justify paying $60. So paying $10 bucks extra than I'd normally pay for a Deluxe is perfect for the sake of getting this set! Good luck if you want it because the thing is harder to find at GameStops. Funny how I got a good deal out of a gold Bumblebee moments before the GameStop drama happened.

17. Starscream (ROTF): A repaint of the MV1 version of Starscream, this guy looks even better! Maybe the joints are a little looser, but I like the tattoos and the better-painted eyes. The saw looks even cooler if you ask me, especially with it being in clear plastic! The black nose and the right thigh missing a paint app is odd, but man do I love the tattoos!

18. Dropkick: One of the worst Studio Series figures made in the line, this guy has nothing but a decent vehicle mode and plenty of flaws to go around. It's too small to handle, the weapons suck, the head is tiny, and the tolerances are awful. The design also looks bad, and there's no way it'd make for a custom Whirl or Rotorstorm. IF you're not a completionist, stay the fuck away from it.

19. WWII Bumblebee: Another disappointment in the line, this guy has an inaccurate vehicle mode and a backpack that clashes badly with the clunky legs. The weapons look cool, and the robot mode looks mostly accurate, but that doesn't mean they make up for what we got. It's a shame, too, because this was the first version of Bumblebee in the WWII line, and rather than feel like he was made for the Studio Series line in-mind, he feels like a carry-over from the TLK line, which is hard to believe because the 2016 Camaro Bee is good and KSI Boss is great. Also, the repackage in the Buzzworthy Bumblebee subline won't make him any better.

20. Barricade: While he's missing Frenzy, Barricade is a solid addition to the line if you ask me! He captures the guy's proportions well, the weapon looks cool, and while the hands and other parts of the toy have gray plastic that looks a little too light, I'm impressed by the engineering as well as how accurate the figure is to his character design overall. I thought the DOTM figure would work well, but this guy is even better!

21. Sideswipe: Sideswipe is not too shabby if you ask me. The weapons being used to complete the vehicle mode is a little petty, but much like with Ironhide, this is the first figure to truly nail the way Sideswipe works without any major compromises. He can still roll but the feet are at least more stable, and I like that you can use the guns or the swords without trying to get one when the other is missing like with past toys.

22. Optimus Prime (MV1): While his robot mode looks better, his vehicle mode looks somewhat compromised. It's not awful, but I know it could be better. What I like about this guy is that he captures the proportions of the past figure but now looks even better thanks to the retooled chest, wheel placement, and the backpack having more to do. He even comes with a gun that, despite being small, looks good and has a fade from the many blasts used against the Decepticons! He can even combine with Jetfire! So cool.

23. Bonecrusher: It's kind of hard to say this guy is perfect, mainly because he's not that much bigger than the older Deluxe in the MV1 line, but at least he looks better and captures the proportions quite well. The claw tail doesn't have a weird gimmick and isn't too thick, and the figure's vehicle mode, even if it's a little funny, scales better with other Decepticons.

24. Megatron (DOTM): Another figure that I do like, but he's not 100% perfect. Like he captures the look of DOTM Megatron in the movie, despite his transformation being backwards and his legs being blocky. At least the truck mode length and size works well and fits better with Voyager Optimus Prime, and while he may not be the same DOTM Leder Megatron everyone wanted back then, it works well as part of the Studio Series line.

25. Jetfire: While he's not as heavy or complex as the old Leader, he looks much better is easier to transform, captures the spirit of Jetfire in ROTF, and he retains the combination with Optimus Prime in the line. It's so cool, especially when the combination is easier and you can display the weapons on him as well as make use out of the two different size classes. He's certainly got ultimate glory for an old fart!

26. Rampage: This guy was a surprisingly solid addition to the Studio Series line. Our first Constructicon, Rampage makes a better version of his old design by not having a crappy gimmick and mostly focusing on combining with the other members f Devastator. I guess he could use some elbow joints, but he looks great and poses mostly well with the claws and tail.

27. Optimus Prime (Bumblebee): Despite me hating the Bumblebee movie designs, this is the best figure to be based on the flick. Of course, it's a Moviefied version of the G1 design. Yawn. But what works is that the figure poses well, the blaster looks cool, the transformation is nice and involved, and the truck mode looks badass! Sure, it's a version of Optimus Prime that makes me roll my eyes and wish Hasbro would further stray away from doing more G1 rehashes, but this is one of the better designs in that film, and what is the second-best figure to be based on the film itself within the Studio Series line. Who trumped this guy? Find out later!

28. Cogman: A worthy repaint of a hard-to-find mold in The Last Knight, Cogman is a well-made figure even if the transformation is kinda been-there-done-that. It's one that Studio Series Lockdown mostly borrowed, and it's making me wonder if both figures were reuses of each other but with different engineering. That being said, I love the silver paint, the dark gray looks much better than the lighter gray, and the Headmaster gimmick is always a nice touch!

29. Shatter: Another disappointment in the Studio Series line, this figure is only slightly better than car Chopkick. The car mode looks great, but the transformations are dull and the robot mode looks mostly good if it weren't for how awful the articulation on the legs is and how annoying the kibble can be. It's not very good if you ask me. Not even the Buzzworthy Bumblebee version will make this turd any better.

30. Scrapmetal: This guy's sort of basic ad reminds me of RID Grimlock...the 2001 version, not the 2015 version...I say that because he captures the proportions quite well, but the blockiness kinda contrasts the more Movie-aesthetics of this guy. Not the end of the world, but he is kinda funny. He's also truly ze little one in terms of his height.

31. Long Haul: I don't understand why this guy was so damn hard to find. He's a cool toy, but he was a little annoying to pose. Mainly because of the thighs being so big they'd clash with the waist and require you to pose him in other ways. The shoulder wheels look kinda funny and let's not forget about the forearm panels that kinda clash with those, too. The dump truck mode looks good, even if it's not as legendarily massive as he should be in the movie, and I think he still has some mean hip and waist ratchets thanks to his work as being Devastator's right foot. Another positive are his deep ankle pivots!

32. KSI Boss: While I initially skipped this guy since I had Nitro Zeus, I eventually decided to get him for the sake of completing the line. Honestly, he looks better than Nitro Zeus, thanks to the silver paint and consistency with the darker gray plastic rather than the black plastic. Weirdly, he feels a little cheaper than Zeus is, and I don't like how the gray antennae make him look older than Zeus's. Still, he looks badass and is a nice addition to the line if you don't mind the tolerances.

33. Optimus Prime (DOTM): This is a nice set to own, but I'd recommend getting it at a cheaper price. Like he's not that different from the original figure aside from the gray windows, abs, gold fade on the forearms and the pins on the backpack. The trailer and its accessories are cool, but I feel like it needs more. I feel alternate hands, paint, and added functionality for parts of the toy, like the wheel-arches on the legs retaining functionality, would be cool. I hate to be negative on stuff like that because it seems like I got value for money, but considering how soon this guy showed up after the MV! Voyager, but it was just because of the price I paid: $35 instead of $55.

34. Drift: It's a miracle that Hasbro turned one of the shittiest figures in the Studio Series line into one of the best! This guy gives us a helicopter mode that captures how it looked in the movie, a transformation that doesn't feel frustrating, and a robot mode that looks perfect for Drift! Even the coloring is spot-on, as he's accurately black with light blue highlights instead of being too blue! The shins are the same as with Dropkick, but that's okay; everything else about him is brand new and infinitely better than with Drokpick. And those swords are AWESOME!!!

35. Dropkick (Car): While he is a little basic, this version of Dropkick is leagues better than his prior version. The plastic feels nicer, the transformation is not annoying, and the robot mode captures his design quite well! Sure, his robot mode is too similar to the hood-chest-door-wings like with G1 Jazz and Movie Bumblebee, but it could definitely be worse like with Chopkick. I would happily buy this guy if he was repainted as Cybertron Downshift!

36. Hightower: Another Deluxe figure in the Studio Series line, Hightower is a bit of an oddball. He's meant to look more monstrous and unique among the other Constructicons, but he kinda looks more like a dinosaur animatronic. At least the articulation works well, and at least he's not an up-scaled Legends toy.

37. Bumblebee (Camaro Concept): This is a version of the character that I do like, even though he has a better version of himself in the Masterpiece line. The vehicle mode looks perfect, the transformation is pretty good, and the robot mode works well (aside from the abs looking smaller and further away from the bigger chest). The arm cannon may not look as good as the Classic Camaro's version, but at least you won't be missing either version of the right arm. The battle mask is another nice tough, and it's nice to swap the heads so this Bumblebee to have either a battle-mask or a regular face. The spine is a little too flexible, but the rest of the figure works well nonetheless.

38. WWII Hot Rod: It's no surprise that this guy is just as underwhelming as his brother-in-arms. Sure, he's retooled to look closer to how he appeared in the film, but he's got the same issues as Bumblebee, only in gray. The cannon looks cool, but it could go for having two like in the movie.

39. Soundwave (DOTM): Finally glad to own a version of a character who was initially skipped in the US back in 2012. The silver deco for the car mode looks great once again, and the transformation is pretty good aside from the chest panels popping off. The figure is shorter than expected but captures the proportions well and even has a Laserbeak that, despite being underpainted, looks nicely sculpted. Needs some guns, but he looks good nonetheless.

40. Chromia/Arcee/Elita-1: I hate this set so much. The figures should be great but they feel compromised, transforming them isn't fun, and the combined mode looks pretty awful. Another skip if you never got this set.

41. Mixmaster: He makes up for his less accurate appearance by being easier to play with and having a head transformation. I already mentioned how he's solid for what he is, but now I want to know if he is meant to be a Headmaster or not.

42. Megatron (MV1): The second-best version of the character in the MV1 design, I'm happy to have this version of Megatron with me! Aside from the wrong chest and blocky legs, I love how he turned out with the articulation, sculpting, transformation, silver paint, and jet mode. Could use a fusion cannon.

43. Scavenger: One of the two Leader Class figures in the Constructicon sub-group, many would be frustrated at the old Demolishor figure for the PVC treads, smaller size, and arm movement, though it may have to do with people going with the groupthink mentality found from the Plastic Addict. I won't say that the ROTF figure is the worst thing ever, but I won't act like this Leader Class Scavenger is entirely perfect, either. He's bigger than the old toy, but not big enough to look accurate next to Optimus Prime. The plastic tire transformation is pretty ingenious, but I can't help but feel this guy works better when he's with the rest of the team than on his own. Still nice to have, and I know he'll look great in the proper Demolishor colors.

44. Shockwave: While he beats the old version of the character, I don't think he's worth the money 100%. The robot mode is perfect, and the paint apps he received help him look less like a toy and more like a shrunken-down Prime-1 Studios toy. I guess those help justify the price along with the giant cannon and his accessories, which are two decently detailed Wheelie and Brains mini-mini figures and a paratrooper with a parachute to block Shockwave's view. But those aren't really enough to justify his price. Add to the fact that he transforms similarly to the ROTF Megatron figure, which was a concept the DOTM guy has in terms of a similar vehicle mode, but his was more unique as was the transformation. So a nice-looking figure, but with shortcomings that don't make him worth the full retail price.

45. Offroad Bumblebee: This is not only the best version of Bumblebee based on the solo film, but he is also my favorite version of the character in the entire Studio Series line! Unlike Camaro Bee, who has a Masterpiece figure that is my favorite version of Bee in that design, this guy is my favorite version of the character in the Studio Series line! He has no past MPM counterpart that'd take the cake, so I'm happy to put this guy higher on the list! His CGI model is perfect, and I love the transformation and even the vehicle mode! I'd honestly prefer seeing Bee as a Jeep if we can't have him be a Camaro constantly because the Beetle, while iconic, isn't that practical. He even has ankle pivots to help him pose better! Regardless of my thoughts on the dreaded solo film, I like this toy!

46. Roadbuster: This guy is finally locked-and-loaded! This guy already does a massive improvement on the DOTM Deluxe by being more faithful to the CG model, what with the armored vehicle mode and the better proportions. Some might argue if whether or not he's a shellformer or not, because the DOTM figure from 2011 had the sort of kibble going on his back, but even if the doors aren't glued on his forearms or the chest being a proper one, I can at least say that he's a lot better-looking than the old figure. Sadly, he just comes with the one minigun that looks better on the shoulder than on the forearm (no chainsaw?!), and the car hood is a little annoying to tab onto the wheels. Beyond that, he's a decent figure nonetheless.

47. Shatter (Jet): While better than the older version of the character, this Shatter has some issues of its own. The improved articulation, head sculpt, and the better implementation of her two altmode design cues s cool, and she even has some neat compatibility with the WFC weapons! I even like her jet mode in spite of it reminding me of TFP Starscream more than I expected. What pulls her back is the huge amount of kibble on her back. Yes, the wings were there in the CGI model, but they're bigger in this case and make her look a little too much like she's got junk (sadly not in the trunk). That being said, she is at least better than her car version, which was riddled with all kinds of problems.

48. Scrapper: I still think he looks like the MARS Converter Earthmover. The toy itself is funky-looking, but while the arms are mostly fine, the legs are kind of awkward to mess around with. Also, you won't get much range out of the knees. Part of me wished he'd have a cooler left hand claw, but hey, maybe he can cosplay as Spongebob if you replace his right hand with a spatula!

49. Sentinel Prime: Sentinel Prime may as well take over the spot of a Prime in this line-up of figures. If there was one thing I wished Sentinel Prime figures nailed, it's the more majestic look of the guy that presents him as a Transformer of an older time. Even if he turns into a fire truck, he's a character that I'd feel would predate the design Optimus Prime had back in the main trilogy. While the upper torso feels a little blocky and the backpack kind of ugly, this is the best Sentinel Prime figure to-date, and I even find his double-bladed sword being made from the side panels of the truck to be cool though important to keep the vehicle mode complete. Needs a shield and/with-optional rust cannon.

50. Soundwave (ROTF): I'm not a big fan of how this guy turned out. The old figure wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but what I liked about it was that it had a unique look to its vehicle modes as well as some variety of colors from the gray with bits of blue and gold here and there. This guy feels pretty dull, and it doesn't help that the silver is on some spots but not on others. Robot mode is also not accurate, but we never saw him in robot mode. The satellite mode, on the other hand, is one goofy-ass attempt at recreating it as the design.  It's much shorter and very inaccurate to how he appeared in the movie. The new head and flight stand are nice additions, but I'm not a fan of this guy. Also, no Ravage. Shake my head...

51. Topspin: This guy's decent but has some issues that push him into being my least-favorite Wrecker. In terms of positives, I like his design as well as the transformation, but what I don't like are some of the missing paint apps for his robot mode and the questionable use of PVC for parts of him. The shoulder pipes are okay since they'd avoid getting broken, and while the claws and guns are at least nicely detailed, they make me raise an eyebrow more. The claws are at least decent even if they could use more paint, but the guns are the worst aspect of the toy. They're far too pliable, and they came warped out of the packaging. WTF. If he had stiffer PVC materials that also came in different colors, it'd be fine, but man does the PVC look like an eyesore compared to the rest of him.

52. Cliffjumper: I'm still mad that Hasbro turned a great figure into a shitty one. The vehicle mode is perfect to the CGI model in the movie, but the robot mode is let down by all of the kibble that makes up the backpack and the panels on the lower legs. Cliffjumper looks great from the front, albeit with a slight difference in terms of proportions, but the worst part is that he doesn't stand as well thanks to the backpack, but the leg panels don't even tab in properly. I don't think this guy will look any better in yellow, and if we don't get many proper Studio Series figures in the 2021 waves (I ain't counting them 86 movie refugees), then you bet B-127 will rank lower than usual.

53. Blitzwing: I'm so happy I didn't stick with a Nitro Series Blitzwing right away; he's a well-made figure with a design that I think better suits him than it does Starscream. I know we'll get plenty of repaints out of this guy, but I'd rather stick with what I have than see an ugly G1 Starscream ruin this perfect toy. I also love the play-value of this guy, as the cannon looks cool but the swappable hands allow you to either prepare him to remove Bee's voicebox but even do crazy things with other toys with similar 5mm posts, and one of the hands has articulated knuckles.

54. Overload: This guy is perfect at the $29.99 price tag, but as for paying for him at the Leader price's not 100% worth it. To his credit, he is great to have after being stuck with the tiny and under-developed Legends figure, his design looks pretty cool, and he finally completes Devastator! Still, he is just a wider Voyager Class figure with heavy ratchet joints used for the robot hips, and the vehicle mode does have some of that bang for your buck, but it doesn't feel as effective as it does with Blackout. Either way, so happy to own him for what a Voyager costs.

55. Skipjack: He's a yellow version of Rampage, but Skipjack still has all of the things that make him a solid figure. The vehicle mode is still good albeit a little bigger than it should be, the transformation's pretty fun, and the robot mode has the same design carried over from Rampage, including the sweet ratcheting joints in the torso. Pretty much nothing new to say about the guy beyond the fact that he is pretty much Player 2 Rampage, but he at least makes for a more accurate left leg for Devastator.

56. Leadfoot: I'm so happy to own this guy after not being able to do so for so long. My favorite Wrecker, this guy does yet another example of a DOTM character fixing something that Hasbro did as a sin in 2011-2. He's got the Target logo right away, he's much more accurate to the CG model, and while the front of the car could go for breaking up more, I can't deny that the is a great addition to the line if you ask me. So happy to have this guy after said sin involved me not getting a chance to own the figure due to Hasbro canceling the last parts of the DOTM line. He even gets a little Steeljaw! 

57. Bumblebee (ROTF): While neat to own as part of Bee's different forms, and I like that his shade of yellow matches the ROTF version as well as the retooling to match up with the vehicle in the movie, some things about it don't look as good. The stripes on the faux chest look weak, the lighter gray looks cheap, and the silver crotch doesn't look that good with the gray. And why are his feet unpainted? The Spike mini figure is cool, but it's somewhat unpainted and it's not exactly how he looked in ROTF.

What's Am I Currently Missing?

1. Thundercracker: This guy was hard to find because of the Toys R Us stores around most of the world facing closure. He's a repaint of Nitro Zeus, which is odd at first since TC's generally a repaint of Starscream, but I remember Cybertron Thundercracker being his own guy rather than being a repaint of Starscream. I hope to get him but only at a regular price. Weirdly, he's got the same Titan Master gimmick as with NZ, but there's no repaint for Cogman to go with him!

2. Ratchet (DOTM): I didn't expect this guy to be harder to find, especially online. He's got a slightly different deco than expected, with a gray replacing the white but it kinda works, and the face having silver paint works. Still needs more paint, but at least he's got a gun! I hope to get him, though.

3. Shadow Raider: The same could be said for this guy, too. Shadow Raider has a new head and a gun instead of the guns Lockdown has. His weapons are not the same as with Lockdown's, but what makes him interesting is he turns into an orange Lamborghini Aventador. Looks pretty slick, even if it's out of place. Still bamboozled that he got hard to find.

4. Retro Rock Garage Bumblebee: It's funny that this figure is one I'd want to get, but it's mainly for completion's sake. The gold paint could be better, but it's kinda cool. He has cassettes of his own, though I want to get this guy for the sake of a more complete collection. Not like this guy is perfect, and I fear he'd have the same pinless roof piece.

5. KSI Sentry: Yet another hard to find repaint despite him being a Genericon. He's not just a blue Stinger, as he's got a new head, a different weapon, and even a different deco. I'd get him when I can, trust me.

6. Bumblebee Then & Now 2-Pack: I should have gotten this set at Burlington when it was at a cheap price...I could use the VW Bumblebee in this set for my definitive Studio Series Bumblebee, and I can use the Bumblebee from the TLK version, switch the parts with the regular TLK version, and make this gut the definitive version of the character. Now I gotta look for a good deal.

7. Clunker Bumblebee: I didn't think I'd want this guy because I already like the MV1 Bumblebee, but then I started to have issues with that copy's roof piece breaking. He could go for some part swaps, but I can definitely get him for a more complete MV1 Bumblebee based on how he looked (the SS-01 I have can be used as how he appeared in the BB movie, I guess).

8. Crankcase: He's just a Crowbar with gold dreads and different paint apps. Massive fuck up. I guess I can use him as a generic Decepticon.

9. Battle Damaged Megatron: I do hope this guy will be easy to get because he was a Target-exclusive at one point. I hope to get him at a good price because the figure looks even better than the one we got (the gold blade and claw looks off).

10. Drift w/Baby Dinobots: I own the TLK version though I do admit this one looks better. The new sword he has looks pretty awesome, and he has some Baby Dinobots to go with him. Once again, I need to get him at a good price.

11. As Seen In Parks Megatron: I didn't think this version of the mold will be obtainable because of how rare it would be. He thankfully is, but I'm not going to pay him at $53 dollars. Especially if his cloak and Igor are removed. Still want to have one based on how he appeared in the ride at Universal Studios.

12. Devastator: Since I already completed Devastator, I wouldn't expect to get this guy right away. I get that he has the added paint apps, but as someone who already owns the eight Constructicons (nine if you count the other brother of the left leg), I'll wait for someone to give me this set instead of me buying it. That being said, I want to get this guy just so he can go with the upgrade kit.

13. B-127: He has yet to be released, but I'm not too happy about it already because of how shitty the Cliffjumper figure is. The head looks cool, but that's about it.

14. Dino: Another figure that has yet to be released, but I'm super pumped to own him! Especially after the long ass wait and being fooled by knockoffs and being stuck with retools of Sideways in both the Cyberverse line of the past and in the Movie Advanced line. I don't give a fuck that he doesn't have an exact vehicle mode DON'T FUCKING START WITH THAT. We got a new Dino hat looks accurate. Nuff said.

15. Starscream (Bumblebee): Other upcoming guy. Want one. Even if the design sucks and looks worse than Blitzwing somehow.


What Do I Think of the Studio Series 86 Guys?

At first, I was surprised and pretty annoyed that the 1986 movie characters would show up in a line that was all about Michael Bay's Transformers. Part of me felt they'd be poorly-made figures or that they should have fit with the rest of the WFC line. Despite me thinking they have NO right to be in a line that belonged to another universe, I can at least forgive them if the figures look good. Sure enough, they turned out to be great! Admittedly, they're likely in this line because Hasbro was trying to find a way to put them in a line while finally giving attention to Beast Wars but can't put them anywhere until remembering that the 86 movie was a thing and that would somehow justify including them in the live-action series line. So that's regarded, but at least the toys turned out to be good. I will review them, but I just need Grimlock.

Who's Left in the Line??

Unless we get more listings or reveals from Hasbro, nobody knows who is exactly next in the upcoming waves of Studio Series figures. In fact, it's odd that we got 6 characters in the SS-86 lineup but only 3 from the actual movies showed up in official reveals. Are we missing extra additions? Are we supposed to have more characters? Well, instead of waiting for more cons and what-not, I'll cut to the chase and talk about what characters we're missing and what versions of already-represented characters are left.

For characters that have yet to appear in the line: Frenzy (needs to be a minifigure), The Twins (how they'll be released is up in the air, but I expect a reuse of the ROTF mold for the ice cream truck), Jolt (who was leaked in a listing but has yet to show up), Sideways, Demolishor, I guess any other missing Constructicon Clones, Que, Hatchet, Devcon, Crosshairs (may as well be a repaint), Hound (hey, nice to see more in-scale versions of him!), pretty much the other Dinobots (you give us yet another Grimlock but not the rest of the Dinobots?...and ones that would better fit this line?!?!), the KSI Decepticons, Mohawk, Onslaught, Dreadbot, and Infernocus!

As for characters that already existed in the line but have other versions not yet represented: Evasion Mode Prime, a new Western Star Optimus Prime, DOTM Bumblebee, High Octane Bumblebee, 2014 Bumblebee, DOTM Ironhide, ROTF Sideswipe (another guy that was popped up in a leaked listing), maybe Volleybot, car mode Drift with better proportions (and by extension, the TLK version), a new Galvatron, and maybe a TLK Megatron with a masked head.

I guess for the sake of adding the Geewun guys inside this segment, I would like to see Wreck-Gar and Gnaw; the former because he was a stand-out part of the 1986 movie and Gnaw so he can go with the Allicon and the Quintesson Judge. Still, Hasbro, STOP TRYING TO FORCEFEED US THAT CRUSTY ASS MOVIE!!! It's cool that we got Beasties again, and I hope to see Armada show up, but c'mon son!

And Now...the Conclusion!

I'm honestly looking forward to completing the collection. I've spent so much money throughout the past, and while I want to continue buying more Transformers, I have responsibilities looming towards me like a gray sky full of thunder clouds. I gotta repay tuition bills and prepare getting a job, especially so that I won't mooch off my parents. Whatever happens, I hope that whatever is left in this line will be great to have. Because I know there'll be another version of the Movie characters in a relaunched line, but I want to be done at some point. I want to be done with WFC, I want to be done with the Lightning Collection, and part of me doesn't want to buy too much of the basic PR stuff if we get something that isn't as good as Beast Morphers or Dino Fury. But whenever that ends, I will be eternally grateful for all of the fun memories I had from getting SS-01 Bumblebee, collecting the characters I wanted, getting the Constructicons, and sharing my thoughts on them. And when the Studio Series line ends, I will probably do an entire wave review (so long as I have everyone else to go with them, too). And more importantly, I hope that whatever the next Transformers movie we get ends up being better than TLK or Bumblebee so I could be even more encouraged to get the characters in that wave. We'll see what happens, though. For now, I will always hold the movies close to me, no matter what stupid ass dickhead smug nerd would say about them.

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