Monday, February 27, 2023

Transformers Legacy Breakdown review

Breakdown is known to be pretty much like Red Alert; both are white Lamborghinis with red accents and a similar dark color (blue for him, black for RA), both tend to be pretty paranoid, and both tend to be filler characters. Now Breakdown was last given a combining toy in 2015 as a very humorously proportioned Combiner Wars Deluxe that'd later be reused for other characters like Sunstreaker, both black and white Beast Wars cats, and one of the Technobots. Now, we expect him to show up for the Legacy line and get the definitive Deluxe toy, right? Well, you probably know what he looks like so why bother asking that.

Here is Breakdown in his vehicle mode. As you can tell, it's not really a Lamborghini Countach like Sideswipe and the like. I'm not expecting the proportions to be the exact same like the Autobots, but there was plenty of room to turn him into a Lamborghini! The front of the altmode and the windows would be enough to make him good enough to look more like his proper altmode. Luckily, the deco is accurate, and the back does have the spoiler and the proper parts for the lambo (though off-frame); the latter will come back to haunt us, and the rear rims still have the mushroom pegs disrupt the sculpt.

Here he is next to Wildrider. I value that the decoes are different and the backs as well, but I'm reminded of when Wildrider, then-named Brake-Neck, was just Dead End in gray. I honestly would have loved it we got more retooled elements apart from the back, because Sideswipe got a similar treatment when going from Siege to Kingdom. I know Sideswipe is a more popular character, but come on, son!

Next to his Combiner Wars self, both of them were pretty different in aesthetics, with one leaning to a more realistic appearance reminiscent of the older vehicles from pre-Prime Wars while the CW version was more stylized.

And for how he looks next to his team, he looks great apart from his lack of Lamborparts. Woth the Combiner Wars lineup, Motormaster felt a little dwarfed, but he feels appropriately large with his trailer. 

With the transformation being the same, we shall instead go to his robot mode. Luckily, the retooled parts for the torso and head are enough to justify his limbs having the same details as Wildrider. Hell, if the vehicle mode was retooled entirely and the robot mode only had the chest and head I'd be okay with that. The weirdness doesn't stop there as he is the only limb to come with one gun while the others have dual pistols. Instead, his spoiler becomes some sort of weapon that makes Classics Mirage's weapon look like a proper firearm.

For some reason, it was a great idea to combine his accessories into some kind of hatchet that looks like a paper machete DIY thing. Next to Wildrider, the heads and torsos are different along with the colors and accessories. Breakdown's shins have blue paint, but what makes then different from other photos is that I removed some of the paint in the pegholes so they can attach and detach easily due to the thickness of the holes causing the pegs to stay on too snuggly than required.

And here we have all five Stunticons together! Once again, they all look great as a team, though I feel that Motormaster and Dragstrip are great, Dead End is middle of the road, and Breakrider make the bottom, appropriately enough. I like how PvP ranked the team by putting the upper body next to the former duo and the legs with the latter duo.

And that means Menasor is finally complete! While Motormaster cost more than his CW self, it's definitely worth it when you consider the skeleton frame that makes his design look much stronger than the original take. His limbs look generally correct in terms of length and bulk, though I feel dome will say his thighs are too short; the head doesn't feel undersized next to his hands, the torso doesn't have thunder thighs, and the arms don't clash with said thighs! While it kind of sucks that the limbs aren't too visible, they were asking for it as fairly mediocre figures. They at least give him big stompers instead of tiny ass feet. I feel like Motormaster benefits from the combination as he uses the trailer to bulk him up properly rather than be a worse version of Energon Optimus.

I should also praise Legacy Menasor for being much more stable by comparison. CW M&M would always have the parts housing his arms undone while the panels meant to keep the legs at 45% angles would usually unstable because of the weight of the legs. And that stupid skirt panel ruined the waist and hip articulation while Blackjack can't stay on for shit! So in the end, Legacy Menasor wins! As for Breakdown, you only need him to complete the Stunticons. Because otherwise, he is an average figure that now needs a few more Lamborghini touches and a better selection of weapons.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐ and a half ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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