Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Prowl review

While Prowl was not a huge contributor to the Cyberverse show like most of the characters are (as I remember him most for being rescued by Optimus on Cybertron and later taking a shot made by Shadow Striker), it was neat to see him get an action figure in the Deluxe line, especially after the already decent Warrior figure. We previously had Cyberverse characters in the Deluxe line, which consists of the pieces used to make Maccadam, but does that make the toy just as good?

Here we have Prowl in vehicle mode, which follows the same route of being coupes that we got with G1 Prowl and Movie Barricade. While Prowl usually has black markings on his car mode, Cyberverse PRowl has blue markings instead. He also has the same kind of front grill found on Barricade and actual police cars. Aside from the blue metallic paint, the front has some headlight paint in a light blue while the siren is picked out nicely. It should be worth mentioning that the tires are a different shade of black and nearly gray than the grille guard. I kind of wish that the pegs on the front tires would be painted to fit in better with the rest of the tires.

The effect pieces can be placed on the exhaust pipes to mimic the car racing to the battle while the gun can be placed on the roof. Also, look at how thick the back looks compared to the front! Makes it look like a Hot Wheels car! The back's got some discrepancies with the robot parts being a different color and the hollowed-out parts but at least the taillights are picked out. The white itself is a little more pearlescent and just slightly see-through, which can be distracting but is a little more noticeable in robot mode. 

Transformation is pretty much what I expect from most versions of Prowl made before. Car hood chest, door wings, back becoming the legs, blah blah blah. What I find new are steps like the shoulder cannons hinging in place while the feet have their outer sides filling in the gaps with their wheel arch parts. The robot mode is once again very close to the G1 design, but stuff like the specific leg transformation and shoulder cannons make him more reminiscent of the Universe 2008 toy yet his promotions are mostly reminiscent of the Siege toy. Stuff like the more stylized head chevron and the gold police badges make him more distinct on top of having blue paint apps. It's a traditional design though I won't lie when I say that this guy does look kinda generic. Like while G1 Prowl and Movie Barricade look distinct, this guy just feels like a basic transforming toy robot you'd find on Aliexpress or Amazon when looking up the actual Transformers. Had it not been for the actual head, the Autobot insignias, and the specific engineering aspects of Hasbro toys, this guy would probably be an off-brand toy. The shoulder cannons are kinda small, to the point that they're not even needed (which is true for Prowl because while he has used them on some toys and media, it was Bluestreak as well as Smokescreen that used them instead). One positive is that the back of the legs are covered up, unlike the Earthrise Smokescreen mold.

Head sculpt is certainly stylized compared to the normal design, but it's actually even more stylized than the actual Prowl head design in the show. The chevron's not that long or thin, and his face wasn't that blue. Certainly odd, as is the minimal amount of paint used on the rest of it. As for his articulation, he's pretty much the same sort of range of motion that we'd expect from the other Cyberverse and especially the WFC lines. Head is on a swivel, hips move front and back as well as in and out, the shoulders move front and back as well as in and out, the biceps swivel, elbows bend, and wrists swivel. The waist swivels, the hips move front and back as well as in and out, the thighs swivel, knees bend, and the ankles pivot. 

The accessories he comes with are pretty much the stuff I already covered, including the effect pieces. The one on his gun looks pretty solid, though the other one looks like it's pissing. Next to the Warrior version of Prowl, While the articulation is better, I don't think it's 100% that much of an upgrade to the Siege version. The blue looks better, and the badges look closer to how they do in the cartoon. The shoulder cannons also feel more prominent, and while the flap behind his head is distracting, you're not really getting that much of an upgrade from Warrior to Deluxe. If you already got the Warrior toy, you don't really need the Deluxe one. I already am happy with the Deluxe figure because I saw the new wave early and wanted to get the Deluxes that were already out, of the three, he's fine but not that mindblowing.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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