Thursday, January 28, 2021

Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Starscream review

Starscream's appearance in the Cyberverse line felt more successful in getting his goals than his G1 version. First of all, he's been able to lead a Seeker army rather than just be stuck with 2-5 other guys who happen to look like him. Then he used the Allspark to make the Scraplets and trick people into thinking they're the fallen Primes. At one point, he assisted the Quintessons and became one of their own with a Grey Alien and a Velgrox! This guy is also more sinister than the G1 version, and his design is even more distinct than the rest of the Seekers with sharper wings, a more defined head, and null-rays on his forearms. After waiting for a decent Deluxe Starscream toy, now we have one in the Cyberverse line!

Here is Starscream in his jet mode...which looks pretty bad if you ask me. Now it's been a while since I saw Starscream in Cyberverse proper, but I don't like how this jet mode turned out. The proportions are a mess, the gap between the wings and the front of the jet, and the exposed arms and lower legs, I almost thin this guy is mistransformed. I think that the upper section was supposed to shift into forwards and downwards to complete the vehicle mode. Either way, it's not a solid jet mode.

The effect pieces can be played on their ports, and while you'd think the two blasts are enough, then be sure to check out the middle port that lies underneath the nose that lets you display the rockets. One nitpick I do have is that the wing stripes are not entirely painted all the way.

Transformation is pretty involved, and despite my initial thoughts on the jet mode, I do have to give it credit for the unique approach it has with getting to the robot mode. Aspects like the waist swivel, the knees straightening out, the heel used for the feet, and the hinges used on the wings, ab crunch, and cockpit are all aspects of the figure that I don't think are commonly used on most Starscreams. And despite looks, the robot chest's cockpit is not fake! The resulting robot mode looks nearly perfect. From the front, the things that stick out to me weirldy are the lack of paint on the wings, the waist looking more orange than red, and the tailfin sticking out more than the head. The latter is not awful, but it's still going to make the silouhette odd and look like he's got ears. The sides and back are self-explanatory.

Head sculpt is perfect! It captures his more angular appearance from the show, and it makes him distinct from the rest of the Seekers on top of his zig-zagged wings and arm-mounted null-rays. The articulation is the same as with the past two Deluxes reviewed, and just about the rest of the Cyberverse Deluxes and the WFC line.

The effect pieces can be placed on his null-rays and even on either port on his chest, giving him plenty of firepower options. I'd compare him to his first Warrior figure but the second one might be easier. Aside from the different jet mode and approach in gimmick, I do find the Deluxe figure the best of the two options and the best of the three Deluxes in terms of robot mode, though the jet mode is still pretty cack. And that covers the remaining Cyberverse Deluxes...or does it? We'll see what the two movies rumored to show up have to offer later in 2021.

Final ranking:⭐⭐⭐ and a half out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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