Friday, January 15, 2021

Transformers Earthrise Fasttrack review

We've taken a look at the Modulators for the past two reviews, and now we've gotten a Weaponizer to talk about. Fasttrack adds a bit of symmetry to the selection from the Siege line and even adds another Decepticon to go with Brunt. It's also convenient timing, too, what with the release of Scorponok on the Titan Class size and even standing out from the two Modulators. That being said, it's time to see what this guy has to offer!

Here is Fasttrack in his vehicle mode. While it's meant to homage the drone that came with Scorponok in the G1 toy, it almost gives me a Roller vibe in terms of the wheels and potential firepower. It's mostly gray plastic with orange bits here and there, and small paint apps that are black for the details and metallic blue for the cockpit. It's kind of an interesting color scheme because it feels like a prototype rather than a genuine toy, but might as well be super lowal to G1.

One thing that is kinda odd is the placement of the arms. Am I getting their placement right because I think the ports should face up but the details are facing down and would look more correct on top? Also, it's weird how two of the pegs for the wheels have vertical slits but the front ones are horizontal. Kinda strange. Also, the head is totally visible from the sides, and no dagger or front portion of the vehicle will hide it!

While he isn't a Modulator, Fasttrack can turn into a different mode that is actually made for Scorponok! This is his spear mode, using the legs and arms for most of it while the dagger is used for the tip. It's a wonky design, but it kinda works, I guess. The torso isn't used whatsoever, and I don't have Scorponok with me yet.

Transformation for the guy is a little less partsformy if you know what I mean. The arms need to be switched around, the legs are part of the waist, etc. It's not as similar to what Ironworks and Airwave did but it is reminiscent of what Cog and Six-Gun did. As for the robot mode, it kinda looks like an off-model Optimus Prime, doesn't it? You got a similar chest design, the blocky arms, the wheels on the lower legs, how can this not look like a bootleg Optimus Prime?! Like yeah it is supposed to look like what Fasttrack looked like in the toy and character model, but there is no denying the resemblance. As for aesthetics, he's got the same gray with bits of black, metallic blue, and orange here and there as ell as a backpack that's kinda big.

Head sculpt is more like a chubby Soundwave than an Optimus Prime head, but it's kinda like a mashup if you ask me. Articulation is the same as with every WFC line, and unlike the Modulators, he has actual wrist swivels, knee bends deeper than 90 degrees, and more posing potential than with either figure!

Here are his weapons, which are either a dumpy dagger that looks more like a plow or two guns that go on his shoulders or cover his hands up for Shockwave dildo barrels.

Fasttrack received at least one reuse in the form of Black Roritchi. This gold and purple repaint of the figure may seem more visually appealing, and he's also safe from the dreaded Gold Plastic Syndrome, but what kind of name is Black Roritchi???? Oh, and you may need to wait for a repaint of Scorponok in his BlackZarak getup. His head is retooled slightly to remove the antennae as an otherwise needless alteration.

And the BR retool got reused for the Shattered Glass line, this time as Exosuit. The color scheme is reminiscent of some of the weapons and accessories found in the late-80s/early-90s in the G1/2 lines. He can be either a buggy, a bunch of weapons, or armor that Slicer, his packmate, can wear. It's unknown if Exosuit is either an actual character or a drone.

Let's take him apart! He's got 5mm points at the legs, arms, back, torso, and weapons, but he's not only got a belly button that's an outie with the 5mm peg but also an A.I.R. Lock clip that's pretty much there for the vehicle mode if you want him to clip onto something. IDK what though.

And here he is combined with Runamuck, with the torso as a weapon, the back as a jetpack, the legs as boots, and the arms as added cannons. Fasttrack himself is a decent toy to add in the WFC line, though he is not as cool as the Siege Weaponizers in terms of his robot mode. Weapon mode's cool, but it could go for less of a cheap look that comes from the wheels and guns being orange. Maybe the Black Roritchi would be nice to work with, right? I'd say you should get him but I haven't seen him in my stores so IDK what to say.

Final ranking: ⭐⭐⭐and a half out of⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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